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Beef Company CEO Stands Up To Big Pharma: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”

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Quickly but quietly, Big Pharma and various state governments are working to inject beef and dairy cattle with mRNA “vaccines.” The practice has been happening with pork since 2018 and beef is next on the agenda.

Jason Nelson, CEO of Whole Cows, has been watching the developments closely. His Texas company, which specializes in shelf-stable freeze-dried meat for long-term storage, has vowed to never allow gene therapied cattle to enter the food supply through their products (plus, Gateway Pundit benefits when you purchase from them through this link and the links below).

“I’ll shut down the company before we ship a single bag of mRNA-injected meat,” he said. “That’s why we’re growing as quickly as possible so we can achieve the buying power to produce large amounts. We’re relatively small now but we want to have a surplus of tens of thousands of bags of beef by 2024.”

Click here to check out all that Whole Cows has to offer.

The pushes for both transparency and to halt the push for mRNA-jabbed beef have hit roadblocks recently. In Missouri, a bill that would have forced labeling of beef injected with mRNA vaccines was stalled in committee.

Unfortunately, cattle and rancher associations across the nation have ignored concerns from both consumers and producers. Currently, most state rancher associations are either silent on the issue or in favor of advancing Big Pharma’s agenda.

“Our goal at Whole Cows is to give the people healthy, natural, delicious proteins they can eat today or store for decades,” Nelson continued. “We can’t fulfill that promise if the beef has been tainted, so we’re taking every step necessary to keep the jabs away from our cattle.”

Click here to get Whole Cows beef sent right to your door.

Dr. Joseph Mercola, who has been a heavy proponent of natural foods his entire career, has been raising the alarm bell about the risks of the burgeoning threat to the food supply in America. As he recently noted:

Moving forward, it’s going to be extremely important to stay on top of what’s happening to our food supply. Many of us were surprised to realize mRNA shots have been used in swine for several years already. Soon, cattle may get these customizable mRNA shots as well, which could affect both beef and dairy products.

For now, I strongly recommend avoiding pork products. In addition to the uncertainty surrounding these untested mRNA “vaccines,” pork is also very high in linoleic acid, a harmful omega-6 fat that drives chronic disease. Hopefully, cattle ranchers will realize the danger this mRNA platform poses to their bottom-line and reject it. If they don’t, finding beef and dairy that has not been “gene therapied” could become quite the challenge.

Ultimately, if we want to be free, and if we want food safety and food security, we must focus our efforts on building a decentralized system that connects communities with farmers who grow real food in sustainable ways and distribute that food locally.

Nelson concurs, which is why his company currently only works with local Texas ranchers. The plan is to expand to Utah or Idaho where cattle is more likely to be protected for longer than even in Texas.

“When the industry starts adopting mRNA jabs for cattle, it’s going to happen quickly and the people won’t be warned,” he said. “We’re keeping our finger on the pulse and remaining nimble so we can jump to a safe haven state when necessary. Texas is safe today but there are risks everywhere.”

Whole Cows offers sous vide, freeze-dried beef cubes from the whole cow. They sell Ribeye cubes, NY Strip cubes, Tenderloin cubes, and premium beef cubes. TGP readers can take advantage of 15% off at checkout by using promo code “TGP15” at Whole Cows.

Click here to see all that Whole Cows has to offer.

The post Beef Company CEO Stands Up To Big Pharma: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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