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Christmas Message: Spirit of Christmas

President of Barbados, the Most Honourable Dame Sandra Mason, is urging Barbadians to live the “spirit of Christmas” every day and be vessels of peace.

Dame Sandra, in her annual Christmas Day message, said there were many examples of this, including some of those who received National Honours and Awards as well as the work of service organisations like the Salvation Army.

“I am aware that there are several corporate partners, social organisations, churches and individual citizens who are committed to the fight to ease the burden of the less fortunate. I am convinced however that if several of these programmes were streamlined we could spread a wider net and assist more vulnerable persons,” Dame Sandra said.

“These acts of kindness and generosity are glimpses of peace, love and joy in action. These acts can diffuse many difficult situations and are signs of hope for several persons.”

The full message:

Fellow Barbadians, residents and visitors to our beautiful country, it is again that special time of the year when we celebrate the birth of the Christ child and pause to reflect on the significance of that phenomenal event to Christians worldwide.

The year 2023 saw the return to some semblance of normalcy following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic over the previous two years. I believe that we have accepted the fact that after the pandemic our lives can never be the same again. The incidence of COVID-19 has slowed considerably but we are continually being reminded that COVID is still with us.

With the resumption of several activities, we should now have a greater appreciation and awareness for some of the simple things that we took for granted and which we had to forego during the pandemic.

As we celebrate Christmas this year with the usual merriment, energy and enthusiasm we are cognisant of the many tensions, unrest and raging wars in many countries throughout the world. The one in the spotlight is the war in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas taking place in Palestine – the birth place of the baby Jesus. In this technological age, we can see the daily bombardment and destruction in the Gaza Strip and the continual loss of lives and displacement of families.

This raises the question of whether there will ever be peace. The reality however, is that there is the utmost need for peace.

Ironically, the essence of Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the promised Messiah, the Saviour of the world, the Prince of Peace, who symbolizes the hope, peace, love, joy and forgiveness that the world needed – and still needs today. His life exemplified love and forgiveness as necessary virtues for peaceful living.

The birth of Jesus and his life on earth revealed that he was not a one-time wonder but by his daily living he left us a legacy to guide us along the way.

In our global environment, peace appears elusive, as human beings seem never willing to co-operate and concede to the greater good. We need to understand that there are no winners in war because so much is lost both during and in the aftermath.

As we grapple with the daily diet of destruction, we cannot be overwhelmed and throw our hands in the air and give up all hope of change for the better.

Our National Pledge reminds us that we promised that “by my living to do credit to my nation wherever I go”.

In this context, I want to share a few examples of the “spirit of Christmas” that I have seen in the lives of Barbadians of all walks of life during the past year.

I note this year that within our National Honours and Awards some of our honourees were awarded for service to their communities in assisting the less fortunate and their volunteerism.

The Salvation Army has pointed out that since need has no season their feeding programme has been reaching out to more persons over the past year, given the circumstances that exist for many families.

I am aware that there are several corporate partners, social organisations, churches and individual citizens who are committed to the fight to ease the burden of the less fortunate. I am convinced however that if several of these programmes were streamlined we could spread a wider net and assist more vulnerable persons.

These acts of kindness and generosity are glimpses of peace, love and joy in action. These acts can diffuse many difficult situations and are signs of hope for several persons.

Our young people are our hope, light and joy and will be our future leaders. Many of them are leading productive lives in their different areas of endeavours.

This year was celebrated as Commonwealth Year of the Youth and I had the good fortune to meet several of our young people who received National Youth Awards for their outstanding and truly impressive achievements. I also met with the Gold Awardees in the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award programme which consists of young people who work in three specific sections for a minimum of one year to complete various projects for the award. The award assists these young people in their personal and professional development.

It brings a smile to my face when I remember the bright, eager, confident and well-mannered primary school students that I met over the past two months. In them is our hope for the future. They are being selflessly guided by their hard working teachers who devote much time to their young charges.

All these young people are the reason why we must make the birth of Christ meaningful in our everyday living. We owe them a safe, peaceful environment surrounded by love and the opportunity to develop to their full potential.

I hope that on this Christmas Day, we pray for peace in the world and by our living ensure that we are vessels of peace in our communities and live each day full of the “spirit of Christmas”.

I wish all of you a Happy Christmas and every blessing in 2024.

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