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British businessman Colin Armstrong rescued after kidnap in Ecuador

Colin Armstrong was snatched from his villa on Saturday morning

A British millionaire who was kidnapped in Ecuador by a gang of 15 armed men has been rescued four days later.

Businessman Colin Armstrong, 78, was snatched from his villa in Los Rios with his girlfriend Katherine Paola Santos on Saturday morning.

He was last seen being forced into the back of his own BMW, which was later found abandoned on the road.

A feared Los Tiguerones gang linked to a violent Mexican cartel which forces new recruits to eat raw human hearts has been linked to Mr Armstrong’s kidnap.

Officials were said to have been focusing on the group for allegedly snatching the 78-year-old after he refused to pay them a monthly protection fee.

A well-placed source quoted in the Daily Telegraph said: ‘It’s the most likely reason for the kidnapping at this point.’

Police have confirmed nine suspects have so far been arrested, although they have not officially said yet whether they belong to Los Tiguerones.

Mr Armstrong was kidnapped along with his girlfriend Katherine Paola Santos

Timeline of Colin Armstrong's kidnap:

  • Saturday morning: Prominent businessman Colin Armstrong was kidnapped from a farm he owned near Guayaquil at 2.45am, with his girlfriend Katherine Paola Santos.
  • Saturday afternoon: Footage emerged of Ms Santos having an explosives vert removed by a bomb disposal team.
  • Sunday: Unknown at this time.
  • Monday: Unknown at this time.
  • Tuesday: Ms Santos was interviewed by police over her involvement in the scam.
  • Wednesday: Cesar Augusto Zapata Correa, Ecuador’s police chief, tweeted that Mr Armstrong had been found on a road near Manabi

Cesar Augusto Zapata Correa, Ecuador’s police chief, tweeted that Mr Armstrong had been found on a road near Manabi.

Ms Santos was previously rescued by police who removed an ‘explosive device’ from around her.

Grainy footage shows her surrounded by bomb disposal officers – but Ms Santos has been questioned by police over her involvement in the scam.

Following his rescue police released a picture of Mr Armstrong who is flanked by two officers.

Cmr Correa wrote: ‘Our units released citizen Colin A., kidnapped a few days ago in Los Rios. At the moment he is safe and healthy.’

Ms Santos was previously rescued by police who removed an ‘explosive device’ from around her (Picture: Instagram)

He added that nine people had been arrested in connection with the kidnap, MailOnline reports.

The unknown assailants are believed to have transported Mr Armstrong from the premises of his ranch estate, known as the Rancho Rodeo Grande.

They were reportedly disguised as police officers.

Footage posted online shows how the abductors left a blood-stained trail behind after ransacking the ranch.

A woman inside the ranch filmed shots of broken plates on the floor.

She then walks into one of the bedrooms where the bedsheets were stained with blood.

She is then reported to have said: ‘This is where they hit him. My God what is this!’

Mr Armstrong’s son, Nick Armstrong, had flown to Ecuador the help the hunt.

The pair run the 500-acre family estate in Leyburn, North Yorkshire.

Ms Santos has been questioned by police (Picture: Instagram)

His daughter, Diana Armstrong Bruns, had earlier said it was a ‘critical time’ for the family.

Mr Armstrong is also head of the British Consulate in the city of Guayaquil, just south of Los Rios. 

Mr Armstrong is the founder of Agripac, a large firm that produces, distributes and sells agricultural and industrial supplies. 

The owner of the Tupgill Park Estate in Yorkshire, he also received an OBE and CMG in 2011 for services to the British Monarchy. 

This is a developing news story, more to follow soon… Check back shortly for further updates.

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