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I sang ‘God Bless the USA,’ here are 3 ways we can preserve our nation this Christmas

As world events seem to spiral out of control, and Americans of different religions fight one another in the public square, many are left wondering, "How will America ever come back together?" 

The answer to what currently ails America is simple: a return to God, family, and country. 

This holiday season I’m employing this formula in my own household, and I invite Americans to do the same. 


First — a return to God. Stories of faith in the Bible show us how to regain hope during these trying times. Matthew 17:20 states that Jesus addressed the people during a time of discouragement and disbelief, as he wanted to show them how faith could literally move mountains. Jesus told them if you have faith even as "small as a mustard seed," you can tell a mountain to move from here to over there, and it shall be moved for you. 

There is no doubt Americans have many mountains in front of them: mountains of debt, mountains of doubt and mountains of insecurity, as global chaos impacts security both abroad and here at home. 

However, it’s especially important during these times of crisis that we must not lose our faith. That’s when faith becomes ever more important. 

Jesus sought to demonstrate to his people that if we simply muster the courage to believe, miracles can happen. In the spirit of Jesus this season, I believe we can turn America around and restore faith in our future; but we must first believe it is possible. 

Second — This seems obvious, but it is something we often forget during the bustle of the season, that family brings us together in commonality, it keeps us rooted, and encourages us to serve something greater than ourselves and leave something behind after we’ve departed this earth.

By putting others first, whether it’s family or our fellow man, we are able to rise above being mired in our sense of self this holiday season and focus outward toward doing good for others. I encourage all Americans to turn off the phones for a day, turn on some music, and get more deeply connected with family this holiday season. 

Third — Immersing ourselves in the origin story of our country will both enlighten us and encourage us. While today’s anti-American sentiment seems shocking, one can learn through reading history that it has happened since the founding of our country, yet it didn’t deter our brave founding fathers. 

During and even after the Revolutionary War, some religious groups didn’t support America’s leaders. The Quakers were one of those groups who felt left out of our founding fathers’ focus on Christianity. However, faith changed that, too. 

In the winter of 1777, a Quaker pastor named Isaac Potts was walking in the woods when he stumbled onto the sight of George Washington on bended knee, praying in the woods at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. What he saw shocked him.

Here was a man of incredible strength, who had already had success winning America’s independence, yet Washington was troubled that the country was divided, so he had stopped to pray for unity for the country. Potts quickly put his doubts aside and encouraged people of the Quaker community to join this man of faith in his quest for freedom from tyranny. 

It reminds me also of Washington’s prayer during Christmas of 1777, as he led soldiers in the Continental Army who were running short on supplies. The National Park Service records show that Washington’s soldiers were "barefoot and ill-clothed" without complete uniforms, sometimes without shirts and coats in the dead of winter.

A major general reported that "above one half of those in Camp are […] walking barefooted on the Ice or frozen Ground." However, after much prayer and perseverance, Washington’s army emerged from Valley Forge stronger than ever. 

The lesson is that when the winter gets tough, we must not quit. In fact, when things get tough, we may be closer to a breakthrough than ever. 


We are facing a tough winter in America, and we are going to need to rely on our faith, cling tight to our families, and stand up for our country to make it through. 

A return to God, family and country isn’t just a cliché for the holidays — it’s something that America is depending upon. 

I wrote in my song "God Bless the USA" that "I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today," and as we commemorate the 40th anniversary of the song, I still mean every word. 

This holiday season, I invite you to stand with me. 

America – and the world – depends on us. 


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