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Sudan Crisis: 300,000 Flee Wad Madani (Non-Arabs Massacred in Darfur)

Sudan Crisis: 300,000 Flee Wad Madani from RSF (Non-Arabs Massacred in Darfur)

Noriko Watanabe and Sawako Utsumi

Modern Tokyo Times

The crisis in Sudan is spiraling and setting off alarming convulsions. Accordingly, another 300,000 have just fled the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) after they took control of Wad Madani.

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan (head of the Sudanese armed forces) and the armed forces of Sudan face increasing pressure from Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (known as Hemedti – the leader of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces).

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported that 300,000 fled RSF advancements in Wad Madani. This will further strain the embattled people of Sudan and the economic infrastructure.

RSF said: “We seized control of the SAF [Sudan Army] First Infantry Division in Wad Madani. Our operation included the liberation of the central reserve camp and the strategic Hantoub bridge from the eastern side.”

Once the Hantoub Bridge was taken, it became clear that the First Infantry of the armed forces of Sudan had melted away.

The BBC reports, “The conflict has displaced more than seven million people, left Khartoum in ruins, caused a humanitarian crisis and triggered ethnically driven killings in Darfur.”


Catherine Russell (Executive Director of UNICEF) said, “Sudan – and Darfur in particular – has become a living hell for millions of children, with thousands being ethnically targeted, killed, injured, abused, and exploited. This must end.”

The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights (Volker Türk) said, “In West Darfur, ethnically motivated attacks perpetrated by the RSF and allied Arab militia have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of non-Arab civilians primarily from Masalit communities.”

The singling out of non-Arab Masalits by Arabs in Darfur and other African ethnic groups is continuing unabated.

Reuters – reporting on Darfur – said, “Thirty-six of the mothers told Reuters their children were shot from close range, 33 of them boys and eight girls. Six of the mothers said they watched as their children, some as young as six months old, were beaten to death by RSF and Arab militia fighters. Five of the six children killed this way were boys.”

The Guardian reports, “The violence in El Geneina and Ardamata has drawn parallels with the genocide of the mid-2000s, when Kalashnikov-wielding Arab militias called the Janjaweed crushed a rebellion by African groups in Darfur, killing an estimated 300,000. The RSF emerged out of the Janjaweed.”

Andrew Mitchell (the UK Minister for Africa) – concerning events in West Darfur – said, “What is happening in Darfur is that innocent people are being attacked by militias, particularly by the RSF. They are being hounded from their homes and murdered, women are being raped and attacked, houses are being burnt, crops and cattle destroyed.”

The situation is dire in many parts of the country. However, the specter of events only two decades ago in Darfur is happening again on a grand scale concerning new ethnic massacres in 2023.

Lee Jay Walker says, “It is often forgotten that Arabs in the land of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia only stopped slavery in the 1960s. Accordingly, with ISIS enslaving Yazidis in modern times in Iraq, it wasn’t surprising that Arabs also continued to enslave in Sudan during the war against the mainly African Animists and Christians in the south – which led to the creation of South Sudan. Therefore, even black African Muslims in Sudan can’t escape the bloodletting and the slavery legacy of Arabs in Sudan that is continuing today in Darfur.”



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