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Bleacher Report’s Latest Shows DeRozan’s “Priority” Might Not Be Chicago

Greg Swartz of Bleacher Report has released his rendition of the NBA BS Meter, detailing his insight and opinion on the trade buzz happenings over the last month. The Bulls have arguably been the most commonly mentioned team in trade scenarios this year, with a trio of players in DeMar DeRozan, Zach LaVine, and Alex Caruso more likely than not to be in conversations leading up to the trade deadline. Some discussions have already been had for some of them, and Swartz’s article tries to pick apart these reports and find the truths behind them. Where does he stand on Chicago’s activity, and was there any truth to the rumors leading into the new year?

DeRozan’s Smoke Screen

The first victim of Swartz’s scrutiny is DeMar DeRozan. He points out that while the six-time All-Star may sound like a loyal piece in Chicago, there might be more beyond the surface. In 2021, when DeRozan joined the Bulls in free agency, he’d virtually done everything except put pen to paper to join the Los Angeles Lakers.

“I get a call from [former Toronto Raptors teammate] Kyle Lowry. And he said, ‘They just made the trade for [Russell Westbrook]. What’s going on? I thought the deal was done for you for the Lakers.’ And I was like, ‘I’m confused.’ I’m looking at my phone like, ‘Damn, that did happen. Well, I guess that’s out the window.’ And in my mind, that was the only option for me to go to. I didn’t even entertain anything else.”

DeMar DeRozan via The Old Man and the Three podcast

Looking back, the Lakers are regretting that decision to this day. DeRozan went on to sign with Chicago on a three-year, $81 million deal that Bleacher Report soon after called the worst free agency signing of the summer. His tenure with the Bulls has disproved that from the moment he stepped into the United Center. He earned an All-Star nod in his first two seasons and was an All-Star starter in his first year.

2021 was a career year for the 34-year-old forward, averaging his best mark across a 15-year career with 27.9 points per outing. Quickly becoming a fan-favorite and a steal of a free agent signing, his leadership cannot be overstated for a Bulls team that has struggled over the past five seasons. He also led Chicago to their first and only playoff appearance in the last six seasons, scoring 41 points in their lone win against the Milwaukee Bucks.

Returning To His Hometown Lakers

All the practicalities seem to align for DeRozan to head home to the Los Angeles Lakers. Last summer, saying that one of his final career goals is to make a deep playoff run and contribute to a championship roster, nearly signing with LeBron James and company in 2021, and the Lakers having shown mutual interest in 2023 equates to a high likelihood of DeRozan heading west. He’ll likely require north of $40 million annually this summer, especially given the career resurgence he’s celebrated in Chicago. With the Bulls on the brink of a rebuild, it doesn’t make much sense to bring back the 34-year-old forward, and it’s already been reported that the two sides are “far apart” in initial extension talks.

Winners of the inaugural NBA In-Season Tournament, it’s tough to gauge how much Los Angeles is willing to risk parting ways with before heading into the postseason. While the playoffs are a new gauntlet, winning the mid-season tournament reassured the Lakers that they can compete with the highest ranks of the NBA. Adding a late-game scoring threat with a clutch gene and plenty of experience is a high priority for many teams surrounding the trade deadline, so even if it’s not Los Angeles, he’ll likely be shipped to a playoff-contending roster before leaving this summer without any return for the Bulls.

Does DeRozan have any remaining desire to return to his hometown team? If so, how costly does Chicago make his rental services as they near the trade deadline, and how aggressive are the Lakers willing to be?

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