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Nine Perfect Strangers Season 2: Plot, Cast, Release Date, and Everything Else There Is To Know

Nine Perfect Strangers launched on Hulu in 2021 with a closed-ended storyline that seemingly wrapped for good later that year.

But in success, many limited series get the opportunity to continue, and Hulu is doubling down on the series.

Scroll down to find out everything we know about Nine Perfect Strangers Season 2.

Nine Perfect Strangers: Has it Been Renewed for Season 2?

Despite many people thinking the show was dead and buried, rumors emerged in 2023 that a new season would be produced.

That was confirmed at the end of the year with Hulu officially ordering a second season, but don't fret, there won't be any holdover storylines from Nine Perfect Strangers Season 1.

Nine Perfect Strangers Season 2 Premiere Date

Given that the freshman season ended over two years ago and cameras have yet to begin rolling on the second season, we have no clue when the show will be back.

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It could be years, or it could be months.

It will all come down to how big the season is and how quickly it can be produced.

If we did guess, we're going to say the show won't be back on the air before 2025.

Nine Perfect Stranger Season 2 Cast Revealed

There would be no Nine Perfect Strangers without Nicole Kidman.

Masha was the glue that held the spa together on Nine Perfect Strangers Season 1.

Knowing Kidman will be back is good news because the show wouldn't work without her.

But who will be joining Kidman for the next chapter?

Variety revealed the cast in December 2023.

- Annie Murphy

- Christine Baranski as Imogen and Victoria

- Murray Bartlett as Brian

- Maisie Richardson-Sellers as Wolfie

- Dolly De Leon as Agnes

- Aras Aydin as Matteo

- Lucas Englander as Martin

- King Princess as Tina

Where Will Nine Perfect Strangers Season 2 be Set?

With Masha leaving her wellness spa behind at the end of Nine Perfect Strangers Season 1, we're likely in for a new location.

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Reports have emerged that we'll travel to the Swiss Alps with Masha and her new crop of strangers.

Hulu has yet to confirm as much, but we'll keep this post updated with all the latest information as it becomes available.

Nine Perfect Strangers Season 2: What Will it Be About?

While we know some character names, we don't know why Masha will be helping them this time.

Masha was on her own journey throughout the first season, and we expect her to still be on that journey after leaving the previous spa behind.

The intriguing part of it will be finding out what happened to her after her departure and, more importantly, whether she can offer the same level of expertise from a different locale.

Hulu will keep the plot details under wraps until closer to transmission, but from the casting news alone, this will be another banner season.

Murphy was brilliant on Schitt's Creek and Black Mirror, and as we've come to realize, Baranski understands the assignment of every role she's had in the past and delivers.

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Knowing more about how the new crop of characters fit into the world and their afflictions is crucial to unraveling what's about to go down.

Nine Perfect Strangers: How Many Episodes Will Season 2 Have?

While casting details have been ironed out, many details about the show remain in the air, including an episode order.

As of this time of writing, Hulu has not confirmed how many episodes we should expect.

Nine Perfect Strangers Season 1 had eight episodes and told a perfectly paced tale that delivered in all areas.

We're inclined to believe it will be that amount or a number close to it again.

Kidman is busy, so anything more than eight is out of the realm of possibility.

The actress recently confirmed that Big Little Lies Season 3 is happening, so she'll be busier than ever in the coming months.

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Nine Perfect Strangers Season 2: Is There a Trailer?

With the cameras not yet rolling, it's unsurprising that Hulu has yet to release a promo.

We get it: You're excited about the next season and want to watch the show right now, but we want producers to take their time to craft another stellar season.

Rushing production rarely leads to good results.

This series doesn't call for a season every year because of the lack of connective tissue between seasons.

Where Can I Watch Nine Perfect Strangers?

Nine Perfect Strangers is a Hulu exclusive series, so all episodes are available to stream there.

However, with the ever-changing TV landscape, we won't be surprised if the show jumps to another platform to drum up even more interest for Nine Perfect Strangers Season 2.

These things happen. Case in point: Only Murders in the Building is getting an ABC run.

Who would have thought that would happen?

Not us.

In the meantime, bookmark this page, and we'll keep you updated with the latest information.

What are your thoughts on the first details about Nine Perfect Strangers Season 2?

Hit the comments.

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