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Best of 2023: Video Games

Clockwise from top: Nintendo, Marvel/Insomniac Games, Nintendo, Strange Scaffold

Expectations were high for the new Legend of Zelda experience in May. But 2023 offered many other extraordinary video games—enough to make difficult to set aside enough money to buy all of the best, and supremely difficult to choose the most notable games of the year.

Diablo IV

Yes, Diablo IV follows the pattern of its creepy predecessors. There’s the bird’s eye view from above and a sad, strange story that unfolds as you pass through frightening environs rife with monsters and the giant, horned Lilith. But it’s the religion-themed power struggle that’s both shocking and disturbing here. Villagers are addicted to the words of priests and their pundits, and that stays with you as you mull today’s news. There’s some lighter fare, too, even some jokes about inflation. So, at every turn, you just want to keep on playing.

Oxenfree 2

It’s not the gameplay that’s of note here; it’s the touching story and adept acting, which summon genuine emotion. You’re visiting the small island on which you grew up. It’s during the off-season and strange, other-worldly things are about to happen. The combination of well-balanced drama and the unfolding personal foibles and memories of its characters are what got me. It was so affecting, I’d play it again down the line.

Super Mario Wonder

Wonder is right. Within the first hour you enjoy an homage to old-school Max Fleischer cartoons, except with singing piranha plants. But within the usual Mario versus Bowser battle, there’s very original stuff here, like a sneezing, talking flower that might be allergic to itself. You can also pull the ancient fabric off mummies—along with their heads—in one spinning move. Some say Wonder’s too easy to win. Give me a break. It’s a game for families. Carpal tunnel-ridden Moms and Dads need some some ease of play as they, with their children, delight in the Wonder.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

There’s nothing as innovative as Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda experience in the fabled kingdom of Hyrule. The game makers always add unexpected twists, too. This time, it’s a function in which you build things to use in the game, like cars, bridges, and gliders. While I’m not the biggest fan of crafting things, the ingenuity within is seen in the agency given to the player, the gobsmacking graphics, and the touching narrative within an epic drama.

Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon

FromSoftware, the same company that created Elden Ring, made Armored Core VI. Yes, it’s crazy difficult to win as you whizz around in giant robots (Armored Cores) during a thrilling war story that can be surprisingly moving. The creativity, intelligence and humor will keep you coming back for dozens of hours to finish all the endings. Dig in to research and you’ll appreciate the Latin names, too. The snail boss is called Arquebus Balteus, meaning a 15th century long gun and belt. As you fight you hear, “You are vermin, and I will be rid of you.” Not good for the ego. You’ll die a lot. And yet, you soldier on.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

There have been so many Spider-Man games since the 1980s, you’d think that game makers would have run out of new ideas. But that’s certainly not true for this followup to 2020’s Spider-Man Miles Morales. Even the tutorial in the first half hour is so action-filled you’ll have to pause for a breath. Then you’ll gasp as you fight baddies in new ways and enjoy some of what New York City has to offer, like Coney Island with a sci-fi twist.


Starfield is so big—seemingly infinite—that it’ll take many hours of gameplay until you get a grip on the narrative. But the out-of-this-world experience is worth the time, and there’s something for everyone here. If you’re a space buff, you’ll witness witty nods to space history. If you like pure story, just listen to the tales of the NPCs (non-playable characters), especially the kids. You can even get married here as you explore the myriad planets.

Baldur’s Gate 3

It’s not easy to play, but once you get the hang of Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll feel it’s often the most smartly-written and oddly ingenious game published this year. Maybe licking of a dead spider won’t faze you (I’ve eaten sautéd tarantulas, so it didn’t me), but likely you won’t be prepared for the flying hamster that temporarily blinds your foes. You can have intelligent talks with the fauna, and toward the end, you can get an artisan to make a statue of you in the nude. You’ll have dozens of opportunities to step back and say, “I never expected that.”

El Paso Elsewhere

Created by 26-year-old game maker Xalavier Nelson Jr., El Paso Elsewhere is influenced by The Matrix and Max Payne. This third-person shooter is also a nod to game graphics of 20 years ago and the vibe of deeper, darker narrative that came to the fore during that era. Beyond the shooting, there are vampires, werewolves, and devils in an experience that’s also about love, heartbreak, and addiction. It’s a thrilling debut from a creator about whom you’ll undoubtedly hear more.

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