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Marin IJ Readers’ Forum for Dec. 16, 2023

Takes steps to preserve the Civic Center Lagoon

Our Marin County Civic Center Lagoon in San Rafael faces an ecological crisis that requires our immediate attention. The recurring fishkills and algae blooms serve as nature’s distress signal. They should urge us to respond with effective solutions.

As Watershed Alliance of Marin members, we would like to propose two key initiatives to restore the health of the lagoon.

First, restoring native plant species along the lagoon’s banks is an effective way to combat pollution and provide habitat for our local birds, frogs, turtles and dragonflies, while helping to maintain water quality. Native plants act as natural filters, absorbing excess nutrients and pollutants, mitigating the harmful effects of eutrophication.

It is critical that the concrete hardening of the bank edges installed in the 1990s needs to be reversed in order for the biofiltration to be effective. Simply put, the hardscape destroys infiltration capacity. This embankment should be replaced with a planted bioswale that can filter goose poop that otherwise is pressure-washed straight into the lagoon. The non-native Ludwigia should not be removed until natives are established. Those plants proffer interim habitat for native fauna.

Second, we would like to encourage floating wetlands along the entire perimeter of the lagoon. Their creation can be an effective strategy to remediate the vast amount of goose poop that gets washed into the water. This versatile solution can increase the much needed habitat and water quality in a space saving manner.

The late, great Judy Schriebman and the Gallinas Watershed Council have been champions of this stewardship for many years. Now it is incumbent upon all of us to honor her legacy with these beautiful interventions. Frank Lloyd Wright said, “Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature; it will never fail you.” Let’s honor his brilliant legacy.

— Laura Chariton and Nik Bertulis, Mill Valley

Credit to all for great run of ‘A Doll’s House’ at COM

I am writing to trumpet the excellent College of Marin production of “A Doll’s House,” which was written by Henrik Ibsen (“College of Marin puts on lovely, compelling production of ‘A Doll’s House,’ Nov. 30). It was so wonderful.

The run is over now, but I think the actors, using the intimate stage setting of COM’s Studio Theatre, made the production equal to the professional standards of any San Francisco production. The administrative and acting personnel will hopefully delight Marin audiences with another such staging soon.

— Gloria Neumeier, Kentfield

Students find connection at Petaluma campus

My family lives in Novato and my children formerly attended local public schools. During the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown, many children began falling through the cracks — including mine.

What my family found at St. Vincent de Paul High School in Petaluma has been nothing short of life-changing. The foundation of faith and the spirit of giving back through community service truly defines SV. In addition, the athletics are outstanding — the football team just won a state championship. Our children see their place in the world differently now. They are excited about going to school. I wish I could take credit for the profound change, but it’s SV and the culture it breeds.

There have been rumors about financial instability at St. Vincent, as well as concerns that the school might close, but I would like to share some good news. The community has come together and found an exciting path forward through an independent model. As a parent of St. Vincent students, my hope is that more will join the school and reap the benefits of being part of this special place.

— J. Michael Chaput, Novato

Broadband safety must be the priority

I would like to address some misconceptions and omissions in David Witkowski’s recent California Voice commentary (“California regulators should embrace a wireless future,” Nov. 26),

Witkowski champions accelerated deregulation of wireless transmission facilities deployment. He says those against that view are a “minority of naysayers who are opposed to technical progress.” I disagree.

Advocates for safe cellular technology have concerns about the dangers of wireless, especially 5G, while advocating for fiber optic cable, a superior medium that offers unparalleled upload and download speeds. Even Witkowski applauds the rollout of fiber optics.

Marin has been at the forefront of the movement to provide protective wireless ordinances and resolutions. Why? Because, after more than 20 years of statutes and case law, I think there is clear support for strict regulations to protect consumer health. I have seen many peer-reviewed studies indicating concerns about possible harmful effects to living organisms and the environment.

I believe the Federal Communications Commission licensed telecommunication companies’ deployment of small cell wireless transmission facilities without proper oversight. To wit, a federal appeals court ordered the FCC to explain how its guidelines adequately protect against harmful effects of exposure to broadband radiofrequency radiation.

I am concerned that improperly regulated broadband increases fire risk, could interfere with emergency radio and may reduce property values, all while failing to resolve the “digital divide” problem in our community. Federal broadband deregulation that circumvents local laws would lead to consumer lawsuits cities cannot afford.

Witkowski accuses the government of forcing telecoms to maintain antiquated systems like copper landlines, which he wants removed. However, when the power goes off during a crisis, as in recent deadly fires in California and Hawaii, broadband crashes. Landlines are an essential emergency backup system.

Do not be fooled. Technical progress and safety go hand in hand.

— Steve Glanz, Novato

Don’t consider gender when picking top leaders

I agree with Dennis Kostecki, who wrote in a recently published letter that we need more female leaders. Monotheism led to the decline of female goddess symbolism and female leadership opportunities. This position is part of the problem we see in the world today.

However, it is important to realize that women’s ability to cooperate and empathize better than men does not change the questions that need to be answered by those in charge. Gender does not give you an answer to a math problem. Gender will not change the level of debt in this country. Human problems still remain as very hard, painful decisions.

Take, for example, presidential candidate Nikki Haley. Does her support of the military industrial complex come from her gender or is it a way to make it more expectable? I remember when then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was caught on camera saying, “we came, we saw, he died” in reference to the ongoing disaster in Libya and the death of Muammar Gaddafi. I doubt that sentiment had any relevance to her gender.

Good and wise decision-making does not depend on gender, but on critical thinking skills and depth of knowledge.

— Tim Peterson, San Anselmo

Research reveals some ruthless female leaders

In his letter calling for more female leaders, Dennis Kostecki said he thought more women in power would make the world a better, fairer place. I don’t think that is necessarily true.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to do a little research first. History is full of infamous females. Empress Wu Zetian of China, Countess Elizabeth Bathory of Hungary and Queen Ranavalona of Madagascar were all known as ruthless leaders who killed many. History has shown that it is the human mind, both male and female, that is capable of doing not only great things, but also some very evil things as well.

— Chuck Nerviani, Novato

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