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The U.S. Navy’s Belknap-Class Cruisers Were Oozing with Firepower

The U.S. Navy’s Belknap-class single-guided missile cruisers were debuted during the Cold War in the 1960s. Unlike their “double-ended” counterparts, these ships had their missile armaments installed only forward. The arrival of this class of cruisers to the service was significant, as they are capable of supporting carrier or battleship battle groups, amphibious forces, or operating independently. In fact, due to the Belknap-class ships’ formidable combat functions, they have been designated as Battle Force Capable (BFC) units.

Named to honor Rear Admirals George R. Belknap and his son Reginald Rowan Belknap, the USS Belknap was the lead ship of her class when launched in 1963. Initially, she was classified as DLG-26 guided missile frigate, but was ultimately reclassified as CG-26 in the mid-1970s. The comprehensive New Threat Upgrade incorporated into the USS Belknap and her sister ships improved the ships’ Air Search Radars, Fire Control Radars, and Combat Direction Systems. The subsequent Belknap-class ships are the Josephus Daniels, Wainwright, Jouett, Horne, Sterett, William H. Standley, Fox, and Biddle. 

Specs and Capabilities for Belknap-Class Cruisers

Armament-wise, the Belknap-class ships packed a punch. Each ship was fitted with long-range sonar, which provided key data to the underwater battery fire control system. Additionally, the ASW armament consisted of Light Airborne Multi-Purpose helicopters, Anti-Submarine Rockets, and torpedoes. According to Model Ship Master, these ships were also fitted with a single dual-purpose fire five-inch 54 caliber gun to defend against air and surface attacks from combatants. Additional armaments included the HARPOON surface-to-surface missile system, two 20mm Gatling guns, and the Super Rapid Blooming Offboard Chaff. 

In the early 1980s, the Terrier missiles featured on the Belknap-class ships were replaced with RIM-67 Standard missiles. Over the next decade or so, its SM-1 system was also upgraded to use the new SM-2ER Block II. Two 4-cell Harpoons and two Phalanx CIWS systems later replaced the guns. In the late 1960s, the USS Truxton was commissioned, sharing similar attributes to its Belknap-class predecessors. However, the Truxtun was nuclear-powered and much larger when it entered service with the Navy. 

The USS Belknap Incident

Perhaps the most recognizable tidbit about the Belknap-class was the collision between the lead ship and the USS John F. Kennedy aircraft carrier in 1975.

On November 22, 1975, notably on the 12th anniversary of the assassination of the carrier’s namesake President John F. Kennedy, the massive floating airport collided with the USS Belknap off the coast of Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea. According to reports, the incident immediately caused fires on the Belknap, which spread rapidly. Making matters worse, the Navy’s other ships close by struggled to get to the scene in a timely manner to assist because of worsening sea conditions.

The Belknap’s aluminum frame struggled to withstand the heat of the fire, causing it to melt and collapse. The horrible fire was not fully brought under control until the following day. Ultimately, seven sailors died on the Belknap and one died on the John F. Kennedy. A few dozen others were injured. 

One sailor who was aboard the USS Kennedy detailed how the incident transpired in a piece for The Aviation Geek Club. The former Boiler/Eng Controls sailor noted that:

“A refueling line carrying Jet Fuel was ruptured on the JFK during the collision and sprayed fuel over and into the Belknap which caused a raging fire, a boiler to explode and munitions to cook off. You should not get the idea that aircraft carriers are tougher than other warships, they are not. Had the JFK plowed into the Belknap broadside, the ships bow would have been punctured near the water line and she would have taken on water. How much would depend on the ships condition state. During general quarters, all watertight door are kept closed and flooding would have been minimal. Still, the ship would have been severely crippled in the speed it could make.” 

A formal investigation later held the Commanding Officer and the Officer of the Deck of the USS Belknap responsible for the tragic incident. Ultimately, the Commanding Officer was essentially acquitted on all charges. The Officer of the Deck was also sentenced to no punishment. 

Following the collision, the Belknap underwent a massive overhaul where she was extensively modified to retain an edge over competitors. She later served as a numbered fleet flagship for the 6th Fleet, fully equipped with enhanced communications, a fleet command center, larger berthing and messing for personnel, and an expanded helicopter landing area. 

About the Author 

Maya Carlin is an analyst with the Center for Security Policy and a former Anna Sobol Levy Fellow at IDC Herzliya in Israel. She has by-lines in many publications, including The National Interest, Jerusalem Post, and Times of Israel. You can follow her on Twitter: @MayaCarlin.

Image Credit: Creative Commons. 

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