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University Faces Investigation for Illegally Doing Research With Aborted Baby Parts

A university that has been one of the biggest culprits of conducting dubious research with aborted baby parts is now under federal investigation.

Two years ago, documents obtained from the federal government suggest that aborted babies may be being born alive and left to die at the University of Pittsburgh so that their organs may be used for scientific research.

The University of Pittsburgh is the same place where researchers implanted second-trimester aborted babies’ scalps onto rodents to study the human immune system.

In 2021, Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress said they obtained 252 pages of new documents about the university’s practices from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. HHS provided the documents after the groups filed a Freedom of Information Act request and later a lawsuit when the agency did not follow through.

The documents show that the federal government gave the University of Pittsburgh at least $2.7 million in federal tax dollars over the past five years to become a “tissue hub” for aborted baby body parts for scientific research.

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Now, Pitt is under federal investigation by HHS.

New emails show university officials confirming in November 2021 that they had been subpoenaed by the HHS Office of Inspector General agent.

“The University of Pittsburgh has been a center for some of the most barbaric experiments, government funded experiments, on the body parts of late-term aborted babies,” CMP President David Daleiden told The Daily Wire. “We now have the first confirmation with these FOIA documents that this is all subject of a formal federal law enforcement investigation of the OIG [Office of Inspector General].”

According to the emails, Pitt’s Senior Vice Chancellor for Research Dr. Rob Rutenba acknowledged the existence of a federal probe into the school in response to an email from NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research Dr. Michael Lauer requesting information on the fetal tissue projects at the university.

“With regard to your request for documentation/information, please be aware that we received a subpoena from HHS OIG requesting similar documentation on October 28, 2021,” Rutenba wrote on Friday, November 2021. “We are happy to provide the requested information to both you and the HHS OIG, however, [redacted] instructed us not to provide the documentation you have requested information until he has had the opportunity to speak with you.”

The status of the HHS OIG investigation is not known. “We don’t know the results of the OIG investigation yet. We don’t know if the OIG has further referred that investigation to the FBI or the Department of Justice. The University of Pittsburgh has been completely in damage control mode,” Daleiden said.

Agents with the HHS OIG have the ability to make arrests, conduct surveillance, serve search warrants, and seize evidence. The HHS OIG office told The Daily Wire that they could “neither confirm nor deny the existence of any investigation, should there be any.”

David Daleiden, founder and president of the Center for Medical Progress, has previously said evidence in the documents suggests late-term aborted babies may be being delivered alive before their organs are harvested.

“Infants in the womb, some old enough to be viable, are being aborted alive and killed for organ harvesting, in order to bring in millions of dollars in taxpayer funding for Pitt and the Planned Parenthood abortion business it supports,” Daleiden said. “Law enforcement and public officials should act immediately to bring the next Kermit Gosnell to justice under the law.”

Gosnell was a Philadelphia abortionist who was convicted of conducting late-term abortions where babies were born alive before he killed them. He is serving life in prison.

In the documents, the University of Pittsburgh mentions “labor induction” as a “procedure that will be used to obtain the tissue,” according to the Center for Medical Progress.

Labor induction abortions are basically what they sound like; the abortionist typically injects digoxin or another poison into the unborn baby’s heart to kill him/her and then induces labor so that the mother gives birth to her dead baby’s body. This method is used in later second- and third-trimester abortions.

If digoxin is not used – and the Center for Medical Progress found that scientists want “fetal tissue” without digoxin because the poison interferes with their research, there is a chance of the baby being born alive. Research indicates up to 50 percent of labor-induction abortions without digoxin can result in an infant born alive.

The Center for Medical Progress and Judicial Watch also noted that the University of Pittsburgh boasted about offering “rapid access to very high quality tissue,” including the freshness of the aborted babies’ body parts.

In the documents:

Pitt states that it records the “warm ischemic time on our samples and take steps to keep it at a minimum to ensure the highest quality biological specimens.” [The “warm ischemic time” refers to the amount of time an organ remains at body temperature after blood supply has been cut off. Warm ischemic time differs from cold ischemic time which refers to the amount of time the organ is chilled. Pitt’s statement suggests the time between the abortion and collection is minimal.]

The university also told the federal government in 2015 that it has been “collecting fetal tissue for over 10 years … includ[ing] liver, heart, gonads, legs, brain, genitourinary tissues including kidneys, ureters and bladders.”

“The collections can be significantly ramped up as material could have been accrued from as many as 725 cases last year,” the university stated in the documents.

It asked the federal government for grant money to “develop a pipeline to the acquisition, quality control and distribution of human” urinary and genital organs with the goal of “a minimum of 5 cases” each week, according to the documents.

The university’s proposal also included racial targets, Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress discovered.

“Of its planned aborted ‘subjects’ Pitt desired 50% to be minority fetuses. The proposal suggests that the ‘subjects’ be diverse because Pittsburgh is diverse, the U.S. Census Bureau shows the city of Pittsburgh is close to 70% white,” according to Judicial Watch.

And the university has been using Americans’ tax dollars to pay for this. According to the documents, the University of Pittsburgh requested $3.2 million over a five-year period in 2015, and it has received at least $2.7 million so far.

One of the experiments that may have been funded with that money involved scalping five-month aborted babies and then implanting their scalps onto rodents.

The information comes from a study that University of Pittsburgh researchers published in September 2020 in the journal “Scientific Reports.” It describes how scientists used scalps from aborted babies to create “humanized” mice and rats to study the human immune system.

Along with the study, the researchers published photos of their experiment – horrific images that show tufts of babies’ hair growing on the rodents.

The post University Faces Investigation for Illegally Doing Research With Aborted Baby Parts appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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