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Don’t blame Israel for the war against Hamas | Letters to the editor

Don’t blame Israel for the war against Hamas | Letters to the editor

Readers offer sharply contrasting opinions about the war in the Middle East.

War is hell.

Hamas should go to hell.

Nazis exterminated Jews. Many Germans were against the Nazis but were unable to stop them. Nazis could only be stopped by war. Unfortunately, many innocent Germans were also killed. Likewise, innocent Palestinians cannot stop Hamas, and some are victims of this war.

Hamas cannot be stopped by words. War is the only way to stop Hamas. The world did not blame the allies for the war against the Nazis, nor should Israel be blamed for the war against Hamas.

The world should blame Hamas for its inhumane, power-hungry greed and disregard for the lives of the Palestinians.

Carl Schneider, Delray Beach

An oppressive Israel

Focused only on Hamas, supporters of Israel are in denial about conditions that nourish violent eruptions, especially Israel’s history of brutal oppression of subject people, recurring slaughters of Palestinians in Gaza and murderous attacks by rabid settlers in the West Bank. Leading politicians in an increasingly racist Zionist regime regard Arabs as less than human and worthy of extinction, using aircraft and bombs supplied by the West, mainly the U.S.

With an entrenched pro-Israel bias, the U.S. and its Western allies have been deliberately blind to multiple war crimes committed by Israel. They have, in effect, supported an ultra-harsh apartheid system, illicit expansion of settlements and ethnic cleansing. Mainstream media often shun references to Israel’s blatant crimes, and use charges of antisemitism to fight criticism of a Zionist state that publicly avows its xenophobic attitude toward the people it subjugates as it seeks to erase Palestinians.

Peace and justice require dismantling apartheid and forging a truly democratic order in which Jews and Arabs can live together as equals. It can only happen when the West, hypocritically espousing democratic values, halts its unconditional backing for an oppressive Israel, no matter what crimes that country commits.

Irwin Shishko, Delray Beach

For a permanent cease fire

The world is watching as leaders ignore pleas for a cease fire in Palestine. What kind of democracy do we have if our voices are purposefully ignored for greed?

In what kind of world are so many mass casualties committed? Countless men, women and children are suffering nonstop torment at the hands of an occupying military force. Israel continues to commit countless war crimes against humanity, with resultant psychological damage and infrastructure destruction.

Enough is enough. It’s time our so-called leaders put humanity first. The greatest value is human life and a healthy planet. This unheard-of pain and suffering must stop. A permanent cease fire needs to be called in Gaza. The siege must be lifted and Israel sanctioned. Humanitarian aid is crucial for those who are displaced, injured and starving.

No more time can be wasted. End the mass murder and displacement. Work to build a free Palestine and make amends. We need leaders who stand with the people.

Igor Freitas, Deerfield Beach

Hate speech on campus

The presidents of Harvard, M.I.T. and Penn told Congress they allow genocidal speech against the Jewish people to take place on their campuses. They justify protected hate speech under the First Amendment. They put it in context, saying hate speech is OK as long as it does not result in violence. In other words, let there be genocide first, then we will crack down on students who hate Jews.

The First Amendment is not absolute. One cannot yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater. One cannot threaten to kill the president. No person or group should be allowed to publicly advocate for genocide of any people. This is pure evil. “From the River to the Sea” is code language to wipe Israel off the map and kill all the Jews. This pro-Hamas chant has become popular on college campuses, spreading antisemitism across our country and the world.

Sheryl Stern, Boca Raton

(Editor’s Note: Penn president Liz Magill resigned after her equivocal congressional testimony caused a major backlash.)

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