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Chinese Zodiac Enemies: Which are the least compatible signs in Chinese astrology?

THE Chinese zodiac is based on animals representing when each person is born.

It looks at birth years and assigns certain animals including the Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Goat, the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog and the Pig.

  Follow all our latest stories on the Chinese Zodiac.

Who are the worst matches in Chinese astrology?

Some signs tend to not be very compatible with one another due to differing personality characteristics and worldly views. 


The Rat tends to be least compatible with the Horse or Rooster when it comes to the Chinese zodiac.

The Horse is considered as being independent, enthusiastic, and positive while the Rooster is smart, earnest, and confident.

Rats are unable to deal with the Horse’s need for freedom or the Rooster’s short-temper which can cause unnecessary fights and arguments.

The Rat and the Horse are the least compatible according to their personalities


Meanwhile, the Ox is least compatible with the Tiger, Dragon, Horse, and Goat.

Oxen like to be in charge of whatever they do, proving to be leaders with many opinions and much confidence. 

If they pursued a relationship, friendship or romantic, with the Tiger, Dragon, or Horse they would clash due to similarities in their nature.

Yet, the Goat’s submissiveness would prove to be problematic for the Ox.

The Goat can be too submissive which can upset the Ox in a partnership


The Tiger is the least compatible with the Ox, Tiger, Snake, and Monkey.

Tiger’s have a hard time finding common ground with the Ox and the Monkey. 

The Snake can crave attention and the limelight which can pose as a threat for the Tiger’s highly competitive nature. 

The Monkey and the Tiger are both similar with their competitive nature


The Rabbit is least compatible with the Snake and Rooster.

Rabbits are known for their modesty and adaptability to any circumstance. 

If put with the Snake or Rooster, the Rabbit will grow impatient with arguing about the sign’s inability to compromise, their picky nature, and incessant complaints. 

To prevent anxiety from looming over these relationships, it is best for a Rabbit to avoid the Snake or Rooster for long-term partnerships. 

Rabbits can grow impatient at the Rooster’s picky attitude


The Dragon is least compatible with Ox, Goat, and Dog. 

Mentally, both the Dragon and the Ox are headstrong and stubborn which make them unable to compromise. 

The Goat and Dog can create a passive-aggressive environment for the Dragon and it can be the reason why fights will always occur in their union.

The Dog can be passive-aggressive and that may anger the Dragon


The Snake is least compatible with the Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Goat, and Pig.

Snakes have bold personalities and signs with similar characteristics may see them as competition for anything. 

Additionally, there will be multiple misunderstandings which will contribute to instability and heated arguments. 

The Snake and the Pig are unstable and will argue about mostly anything


The Horse is least compatible with the Rat, Ox, Rooster, and another Horse.

Both the Rat and the Horse can have terrible tempers so it is not best for partnerships of any kind. 

The Ox and the Rooster are very different from the Horse and will have a hard time agreeing.


The Goat is least compatible with the Ox, Tiger, and Dog. 

Goats will argue with these signs due to their hot-headed nature. 

They will consistently engage in quarrel with no clear objective in sight which is why pursuing a relationship with either sign is not recommended.

Anything that seems wrong to these signs will create explosive fights with no room for agreement or compromise. 

The Goat can be hot-headed at times


The Monkey is least compatible with the Tiger and Pig. 

The Tiger is too focused on itself to care about the Monkey’s needs, which can sometimes come off as selfish and rude to the Monkey. 

The Pig struggles to communicate properly with the Monkey and that can create misunderstandings.

These signs uphold different values and will not see eye-to-eye. 

The Sun
The Monkey is wise and opportunists in the zodiac[/caption]


The Rooster is least compatible with the Rat, Rabbit, Horse, and Dog. 

When partnered, these signs can be brutal with their opinions and criticism of each other.

The Rooster is proud of being ambitious and a self starter and can leave those jealous or anxious about Rooster’s nature. 

They can also appear to be self-indulgent which can cause rifts in these relationships. 

The Sun
The Rooster’s ambition can get in the way with their partnerships[/caption]


The Dog is least compatible with the Dragon, Goat, Rooster, and other Dogs

These signs will not understand one another, especially with the Goat who can be meek and docile. 

While the Dog is loyal, they are also quick to their feet and very courageous, and can cause jealousy among the other signs. 

The Sun
The Dog is loyal and very courageous[/caption]


The Pig is least compatible with the Snake, Monkey, and Rooster. 

The Sun
Pigs are slow-witted and cannot be partnered with fast pacing animals like the Monkey or Rooster[/caption]

What do all the Chinese Animals mean?

The 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs

A relationship with these signs will raise suspicion and instability. 

The aggravating nature of the Snake, Monkey, and Rooster will create anxiety in the partnership because the Pig can be slow-witted and very good tempered.

It is important to note that these incompatibilities not only apply to love but also to friendships and other unions.

The five elements include Metal, Earth, Water, Fire and Wood

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