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Hit filmmaker launches studio for faith audiences: 'We want to flood the world with hope'

A filmmaker behind some of the most well-known faith-based hits has launched a new movie studio with that sort of audience in mind.

Led by "Jesus Revolution" director Jon Erwin and former YouTube and Netflix executive Kelly Merryman Hoogstraten, "The Wonder Project" will develop "premium TV shows and movies that appeal to the massive but underserved faith and values audience," the studio says. The project is being backed with more than $75 million in seed and Series A funding from investors at Lionsgate, United Talent Agency and others.

The two industry veterans shared their excitement for the project they say will cater to an audience from the "heartland" that has been "constantly overlooked and misunderstood" by Hollywood.

"There's proof this audience is enormous. It's the largest affinity group in the world. I'm a part of it, Kelly's a part of it. And we want more, we need more," Erwin told Fox News Digital. "We want to pull the family back together again in an experience, and we want to flood the world with hope."


Jon Erwin and his brother, Andrew, have directed several other successful faith films such as 2018's "I Can Only Imagine," which grossed $86 million worldwide with a $7 million budget.

Erwin and Merryman Hoogstraten saw an increased demand for faith-based and family-friendly content following the successes of "The Chosen," "Jesus Revolution," and "Sound of Freedom." 

"Jesus Revolution" surpassed box office expectations, amassing over $50 million for Lionsgate during its theatrical run, while the anti-human trafficking film "Sound of Freedom" became the top earning movie July 4 weekend, and grossed $248 million worldwide during its run, according to Box Office Mojo.

"There is just this incredible hunger and appetite for values and for content that draws you to the better version of yourself and your family and of life…content that restores faith in things that are truly worth believing in," Erwin said.

Merryman Hoogstraten told Fox News Digital the Wonder Project aims to give families "high quality" entertainment they can enjoy and engage with together, "anchored in the PG to PG-13" rating space. She says this content isn't being created at the same level that it used to be, and so there is room to "make a difference" with these stories.


"I believe entertainment sits upstream from culture," she said in a statement. "I am convinced we can make a difference by telling stories that restore hope in things worth believing in – family, community, God, and America. We will do this at scale for a global audience that seeks faith and values-driven entertainment. And we will give the audience a brand they can call their own."

Erwin believes global turmoil of the past few years has led people to seek deeper meaning in their lives, and that has carried over to their entertainment choices.

"When your pain outweighs your fear, you ask the bigger questions in life: ‘Is there a purpose and a plan for my life? Is God real? Does my life matter?’ And I think that we've all just been through an incredibly difficult season of life together. And I think that is the reason why there is this sudden, measurable rise in spiritual interest and curiosity in America and around the world. We just need hope now more than ever," he remarked to Fox News Digital.

The pair say they have big plans for 2024 but stressed they couldn't achieve these dreams without the faith and values audience demanding it.

"We're just super grateful to the audience. The only way we have this opportunity and the only way we're able to dream this big is that the audience has so overwhelmingly shocked the industry over and over again that it's created a moment in time where something of this scale is possible. Our voices have, in essence, been heard over and over again," Erwin said.

"We're very grateful to everyone that supported the work this year and allowed us to take a gigantic leap. As always, we serve the audience and we're grateful for their support," he added.

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