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Advent is a time to slow down, reflect on the gift of 'presence,' urges Texas faith leader

"O God, thou art my God, I seek thee, my soul thirsts for thee; my flesh faints for thee, as in a dry and weary land where no water is" (Psalm 63:1).

This verse is from the Book of Psalms, a collection of 150 poems, songs and prayers written in ancient Hebrew, according to the website Bible Project. 

A little less than half these psalms are attributed to King David, about a third are anonymous — and the rest are attributed to a variety of authors. 


Psalm 63 is attributed to King David, the third king of Israel. 

"Advent is a season filled with joyful anticipation. It’s about waiting for the fulfillment of our heart’s desire," said Texas-based Mark Hartfiel, vice president of Paradisus Dei.

The organization is a Catholic ministry "dedicated to the renewal of marriage and family life," says its website. 

Advent is the liturgical season that includes the four Sundays before Christmas Day. 

"For thousands of years, the human heart has longed for God. Yet to our great surprise, we discover He thirsts for us infinitely more," said Hartfiel.

The fact that the God of the Universe "desires to draw close to us, by becoming small — small enough to fit into our lives" is the "mystery of Christmas," he said. 


The joy of Christ's birth on Christmas comes after a period of intense preparation and longing. 

"Before we can fully appreciate the joy of Christmas, it’s important we try to enter into the longing, waiting, aching of Israel and try to imagine a world starving for a Savior," Hartfiel told Fox News Digital. 

"Some of the hardest moments in life come from the disappointment of expectations being shattered. Israel had the greatest expectation of all time, a Messianic expectation! A Savior, a Redeemer and King," he said. "This holy expectation was set by God Himself — so they continued to wait." 

Advent, as well, is a time for Christians to "enter into this longing," said Hartfiel.


"For ancient Israel, it was like a child waiting for Christmas morning, but it never comes — not in their lifetime, not in their children’s lifetime, not in their children’s children’s lifetime," he said. He added that "42 generations passed from Abraham to the coming of Christ." 

Even amid this waiting, "our God is a God who always keeps His promises," said Hartfiel. 

So humanity, he said, must "learn to set our expectations aside." 

"God was preparing His people not just to meet but to exceed their expectations; to meet the Creator in the flesh, a babe lying in a manger," said Hartfiel. 

During Advent, people "need to slow down, to be still," said Hartfiel. 

"Our spiritual lives depend upon it." 


Modern society, he said, is geared toward instant gratification — and the season of Advent is a chance to combat these tendencies. 

"Our minds are being reformed, or rather deformed, by instantaneous pleasure. It’s safe to say, we’ve been duped," he said. "The mindless scroll through clickbait, dopamine release, repeat. We are literally addicted to pleasure at the expense of joy." 

Prayer, said Hartfiel, is "the antidote" to this culture of instant gratification. 

"The gift of Christmas is the gift of presence. Not merely presents under a tree, but God’s holy presence among us," he said. "Emmanuel, our God is with us." 

At Christmas, "Jesus wants to be born again in our hearts," said Hartfiel. 

"There was no room for Him in the Inn. Is there room for Him in your heart?" 

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