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‘I can now totally enjoy Christmas’ James Bulger’s mum Denise says after her son’s killer Jon Venables was denied parole

JAMES Bulger’s mum Denise has hailed the decision to keep her son’s killer behind bars – and said her family can now “totally enjoy Christmas”.

After decades of “sleepless nights”, Denise Fergus revealed there is finally “some light at the end of the tunnel” as notorious child killer Jon Venables saw his parole denied.

Denise Fergus revealed there is finally ‘some light at the end of the tunnel’[/caption]
PA:Press Association
Toddler James Bulger was was tragically murdered by Jon Venables in 1993 in Merseyside[/caption]

The long-awaited decision came after the murderer’s possible release lurched James’ family into a state of emotional turmoil and had been “one hell of a bumpy road”.

Speaking today on Good Morning Britain today, mum Denise said there was now some justice for James.

“I was dreading Christmas but now our family can totally enjoy Christmas,” she said.

“It’s taken me 30 years to get here. I finally now feel that I have been listened to.

“I said in the very beginning if them two weren’t properly punished either one or both of them would go on to reoffend and that’s exactly what’s happened.

“I’ve had too many sleepless nights over this once again because I know for a fact if he was released we would end up with another case like James’ and that is something I do not want any other family to go through.

“This news, that he’s not getting released, is such a relief for me and my family and my close friends.

“We still can’t really adjust to what we’ve been told because this is the first time I’ve gotten something my way.”

The heartbroken mum spoke of waiting for Venables’ parole hearing.

With the killer’s appeal denied, Denise can now hope for “some peace of mind”.

“I don’t feel he (Venables) should ever see the light of day again. I can see some light at the end of the tunnel and I hope it gets brighter and brighter for me,” she added.

“I don’t want James to be remembered as the murdered child, I want him to be remembered as positivity.

“I was dreading Christmas with this hanging over me but now our family can totally enjoy Christmas.”

James Bulger’s dad has also spoken out and hailed the decision to keep Venables in jail, saying “I can now breathe easier”.

Ralph Bulger told of his relief after the Parole Board ruled that the public and children would not be safe if the 41-year-old was released.

Builder Ralph, 57, added: “I’m just grateful children are spared from being put at danger from Venables. I can breathe easier knowing he is staying behind bars. They have admitted he hasn’t told the truth which we have said for years. And it will be the same the next time he applies for parole.”

Venables was just ten when he and a friend murdered two-year-old James in Merseyside in 1993.

The killer was released from prison in 2001 but recalled twice for possessing indecent images of children.

Venables can reapply for parole — but a new bill, expected to be passed in spring, will make it easier to prevent the release of repeat offenders.

The Sun also revealed the monster “lost the plot” when told his bid had been thwarted.

A source said: “He went mad, shouting and screaming.”

He had claimed he was “completely rehabilitated” as he made his controversial bid for freedom.

However, the Parole Board ruled it was “not satisfied that release at this point would be safe for the protection of the public”.

The parole ruling said it “doubted Mr Venables’ ability to be open and honest with professionals, and concluded that there remained a need for him to address outstanding levels of risk, and to develop his relationship with his probation officer”.

Kym Morris, a spokeswoman for Denise, told the Mirror: “This is the day Denise has waited for years.

“The prospect of him coming out was terrifying as we knew he’d harm again.”

Jon Venables, now 41, lost a parole board bid to be freed from jail[/caption]
CCTV footage showed the abduction of two-year-old James Bulger from the Bootle Strand shopping mall in February 12 1993[/caption]

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