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Gaynor Lord witness who thinks she saw missing mum do bizarre ‘yoga’ pose says she ‘seemed calm’ but ‘something was off’

A WITNESS has claimed she saw missing mum Gaynor Lord doing yoga on Friday afternoon – but something seemed off.

It’s been almost a week since the 55-year-old vanished after leaving work early on Friday afternoon.

Police yesterday released CCTV of the last time missing mum Gaynor Lord was seen – smiling as she left work
The mum vanished on Friday afternoon, sparking a massive search operation
Rosie Richards claims she saw a woman that looked like Gaynor at the park at about 4pm[/caption]

CCTV released yesterday showed her smiling before she walked out the door – then rushing along the streets of Norwich.

Now, potentially one of the last people to see Gaynor has spoken out.

Rosie Richards, who lives near Wensum Park, said she thought she saw the mum doing a yoga pose on Friday afternoon at about 4pm.

She said the mum seemed “calm” – but something made her stand out.

Rosie told Good Morning Britain: “To me, she seemed quite calm.

“She was putting her coat down on the floor and sort of performing a yoga pose.

“It just seemed a bit odd at this time ’cause it’s starting to get dark.”

Gaynor was last seen on CCTV on St Augustines Street at 4.01pm – which is just an eight-minute walk from the park.

Mystery surrounds the mum’s disappearance after her belongings were found scattered in different locations around the city centre park.

On the day she vanished her white work shirt, yellow tank top, and jewellery were found spread out – and her olive-coloured coat was found in the water.

Then, over the weekend, the mum’s mobile phone, coat, ring and glasses were found as police continued to scour the area.

Police yesterday released CCTV of the last time she was seen – and asking people to come forward with any more information.

They published an image of Gaynor with a smile ear-to-ear as she left her workplace – Bullards Gin, at Jarrold’s department store.

Then, in a CCTV clip, the mum can be seen running along the path with her coat in hand.

She seems to be in a hurry, rushing to cross the road.

It comes as…

The mum seems to spend 30 minutes at the cathedral before she is spotted on CCTV again.

As she makes her way along the street, putting her coat on as she walks.

She is last snapped on CCTV at 4.01pm.

It is now thought the mum may have met someone at the cathedral before she vanished.

Cops are now urging anyone to come forward with information.

Norwich Policing Commander, Superintendent Wes Hornigold, yesterday said: “We are releasing the footage of Gaynor’s last known steps on Friday afternoon before she went missing.

“We hope this will help to jog the memory of anyone who may have seen her in the city that afternoon or who may have footage of her journey.

“We are particularly keen on hearing from anyone who may have seen Gaynor in the cathedral grounds which she enters at 2.50pm and leaves at 3.23pm.

“It’s not clear where she goes inside the cathedral grounds during this time so we’re keen to hear from anyone who may have seen her there.

“We are continuing our extensive searches but would appeal to the public to come forward with any information which may help to find Gaynor.

“In the footage you can clearly see what she was wearing when she went missing.

“This is a particularly stressful time for her family and specialist officers continue to provide support.”

Norwich Constabulary declared Gaynor missing after they found her ID inside a handbag – and learned she’d failed to return home from work that evening.

Police divers, assisted by fire crews and the coastguard, were yesterday seen scouring the nearby River Wensum using sonar equipment to examine the water.

Officers have also used drones and foot searches in the hunt for further clues.

It comes after Gaynor’s family put out a desperate plea on Tuesday – five days into the search for the mum.

Her daughter Alexandra posted on Facebook: “Please share, if anyone knows anything please do contact the police.

“We want her home.”


2.44pm – Gaynor is working at the Bullards Gin counter in the basement at Jarrold department store – her clothing is clearly visible

2.45-2.46pm – She leaves the store via the loading bay on Bedford Street

2.47pm – Walks onto London Street past the Cosy Club

2.48pm – Gaynor makes her way onto Queens Street and walks toward the Cathedral

3.22pm – Gaynor is seen on The Close at the cathedral entrance – shortly before exiting through the archway she puts her coat on

3.23pm – She is seen to walk away from the cathedral on Queens Street – here you can see a clear image of the coat she was wearing

3.49pm – This is the last sighting of Gaynor on CCTV near the Playhouse on St George’s Street

3.53pm – Walks along St Crispins Road towards Pitt Street

4.01pm – Gaynor walks up St Augustines Street – her final movements captured in CCTV before going missing

Norfolk Police
She was last seen leaving the grounds of Norwich Cathedral[/caption]

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