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The Perfect Pairing: We Encourage You To Enjoy This List Of Terms Coined By Shakespeare With A Mild Sativa Edible And A Whole Wheat Toast Of Your Choice

Nobody in history has transformed the English language as thoroughly and profoundly as William Shakespeare, and while lesser websites might simply present you with a list of commonplace words and phrases that were invented by the Bard and then call it a day, we here at ClickHole.com want you to have the best possible experience with your Shakespeare content. That’s why we’ve curated a hand-picked list of terms coined by Shakespeare, which we encourage you to enjoy with a mild sativa edible and a whole wheat toast of your choice.

1. To thine own self be true (Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 3)

Sure, you’ve heard this phrase thousands of times. In fact, it’s possible you already knew that it was coined by Shakespeare. But take a sativa edible, wait about half an hour, and then start reading this list while eating a piece of dry whole wheat toast, and you’ll start to really understand why it’s so incredible that Shakespeare invented this saying. Seriously, this mind-blowing fact will be about 10 times as mind-blowing when paired with the right cannabis accoutrement and a nice crisp piece of multigrain bread. By the way, you should not put anything on the whole wheat toast. If you spread butter or jam on the toast, this list won’t be as mind-blowing.

2. Wild-goose chase (Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 4)

Isn’t it amazing that a term as commonplace as “wild-goose chase” was invented by Shakespeare in the 16th century? Yes, this fact will appear on any of the 1,000 listicles that come up when you Google any variation of the term “phrases invented by Shakespeare,” but only this list maximizes your appreciation by pairing it with a 5 mg sativa gummy and some toasted whole wheat with nothing on it. Also, just as a side note, if you just take the gummy and don’t eat the toast, you won’t get the full impact of this mind-blowing Shakespeare factoid. It’s the combination of the mild, uplifting high provided by the edible and the light yet wholesome sustenance provided by the toast that will help you experience the full effect of this fun fact.

3. Manager (A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act 5, Scene 1)

At first glance, the word “manager” is not particularly exciting, and it might not be that interesting to you to hear that Shakespeare was the first writer to introduce it into the English language. However, once you’re munching on a slice of bare whole wheat toast and that sativa edible starts kicking in, you’re going to be liking and sharing this post with everyone you know. Just sit back and let the thought of Shakespeare writing down the word “manager” for the first time penetrate your heightened consciousness while you simultaneously work to digest the germ and bran that’s making its way through your stomach. It will seriously change your life.

4. Cold-blooded (King John, Act 3, Scene 1)

At this point in the list, your mild sativa edible should be peaking and you should be mostly done with your whole wheat toast, which makes it the perfect time to find out that the phrase “cold-blooded” first appears in the Shakespeare play The Life and Death of King John. Anyone reading this list sober and without toast will probably just shrug and move on, but true connoisseurs of mind-blowing facts will know that learning this fact while getting a little bit high and eating some toast makes it one of the most astounding things you could possibly learn.

5. Love is blind (The Merchant of Venice, Act 2, Scene 6)

We’ll leave you here with this final term invented by Shakespeare. Isn’t it so incredible that this term that we hear so often, and which even is used as the title of a hit show on Netflix, was invented by the Bard himself?! You’ll certainly think so if you’re high right now and finishing off your plate of toast. We hope you’ve had your mind thoroughly blown by this astounding list, and that the mind-blowing qualities of this content were enhanced and complemented by the addition of your sativa edible and whole wheat bread. If everyone who clicked on this headline read these Shakespeare facts with the recommended cannabis-and-toast pairing, it would certainly be one of the most viral pieces of content ever published. But if just a few discerning readers took our pairing advice to experience all the depth and nuance of this listice, then we’re happy.

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