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Boris arrives early again for his Covid grilling – but what does his GTFC beanie mean?

Boris Johnson was pictured arriving early on Thursday morning… again (Picture: James Veysey/Shutterstock)

Boris Johnson has once again arrived three hours early for his second day at the Covid inquiry.

The former prime minister opted for the same tactic on Wednesday morning and meant he avoided grief-stricken families of people who died of coronavirus.

Wearing a grey Grimsby Town Football Club beanie and coat over his suit, the 59-year-old was seen sneaking in while still dark outside as he clutched a wad of paperwork.

He will appear at Dorland House in London on Thursday to continue answering questions about his handling of the response to the pandemic.

Mr Johnson began yesterday by apologising for the ‘pain and loss’ families experienced but was briskly interrupted by protesters at the inquiry.

Four people had to be escorted out for heckling the ex-Tory leader and one later told reporters outside: ‘We didn’t want his apology.’

Mr Johnson seems keen to avoid any protesters with his crack of dawn arrival on Thursday (Picture: PA)

Kathryn Butcher, 59, who lost her sister-in-law to Covid, said: ‘When he tried to apologise we stood up. We didn’t block anybody. We were told to sit down.

‘We didn’t sit down straight away. One of us said stayed standing, so the rest of us came out in solidarity.’

Mr Johnson admitted that his government ‘underestimated’ the threat of the virus but said he was ‘not sure’ whether his decision-making had led to ‘materially’ a larger number of excess deaths.

Bereaved family members criticised Mr Johnson’s management from 2020 onwards and many echoed that his apology was ‘meaningless’.

The former PM makes a dash up the steps of Dorland House in London where the Covid inquiry is being held (Picture: PA)

Jane Basham, 61, whose sister Sandra died in January 2021 after contracting Covid, said she held him responsible for her sibling’s death aged 61.

Sandra Basham had been caring for older people in their homes near Dartford, Kent, before she was admitted to hospital, with Ms Basham adding her family did not see her because they were taking the virus seriously.

Ms Basham, of Ipswich, Suffolk, said: ‘His apology is meaningless to me, and many of us who are bereaved.

‘If Boris Johnson was truly sorry then he would have delivered a public inquiry when it was first requested and not forced a group of traumatised bereaved relatives to have to fight for it.

‘He would have shown humility and met the bereaved families who stand outside the inquiry every day rather than scuttling in before dawn.’

Bereaved families say Mr Johnson’s apologies for his handling of Covid are ‘meaningless’ (Picture: EPA)

She added: ‘We didn’t know it then, but Sandra was doomed from the moment he dragged his heels on the second lockdown – he knew precisely how serious it was by then so there’s no excuses.

‘He ignored the science, showing utter disregard for people’s lives. I hold him responsible for Sandra’s death.’

Mert Dogus, 21, whose father died of Covid, said that Mr Johnson ‘should be giving answers for some of his actions’ at the inquiry.

His father, cab driver Haci Ali Dogus, 49, died in March 2020, leaving behind his wife and two sons.

In response to Mr Johnson’s claims that the government’s decisions hadn’t led to more deaths, Mr Dogus said: ‘He can’t really say that. Boris waited, and he waited and waited and then obviously it spread a lot more and then it turned into this huge thing.

‘If you caught it whilst it was early, I think it wouldn’t have been as bad.’

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