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George Santos Goes SCORCHED EARTH – Announces Ethics Complaints Against Top RINO Tormenters and One Democrat (VIDEO)

The US House of Representatives voted Friday morning on Resolution 878 – the expulsion of House member Representative George Santos.

Democrats and 105 Republican lawmakers voted him out. Republicans now hold only a 3 vote majority in the House. This was not one of their finer moments. These same GOP lawmakers could not even impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas but they gladly tossed Santos out the door.

This was the first time in our nation’s history that a lawmaker was expelled from Congress for being accused of a crime. George Santos is an innocent man. He was never found guilty by a court for criminal conduct. The RINOs didn’t care. They voted him out anyway.

But George Santos is not going quietly. The conservative Republican announced over the weekend that he is filing ethics complaints against several of his top New York tormenters.

First up is Rep. nicole Maliotakis, who Santos referred to as Nicole “MalioStockTips.” He is requesting information on who is leaking stock tips to her.

George Santos released a string of tweets on his upcoming ethics complaints:

his first target is RINO Rep. Maliotakis.

Let’s talk about hypocrisy.

Can someone ask Nicole MalioStockTips when did she become a savant in stock trading?

The signature bank trades she did REEKS of insider trading much like Paul Pelosi’s every trade!

Nicole is in it for herself! Just look at her record and it speaks for itself.

Nicole MalioStockTips is a dirty dishonorable swamp creature selling the American people down a river for her own benefit.

the difference between you and I is that I don’t live in denial, I’m a PROUD GAY man and I’m not afraid to say it.

Monday I will be filling an official complaint with the Office of congressional Ethics against
regarding her questionable stock trading since joining the Ways and Means committee this Congress.

Before joining the committee the congresswoman didn’t have an active trading habit or a high volume stake.

The question is, what set of information is she trading with?

George Santos is also filing charges against Rep. Mike Lawler.

On Monday I will be filling an Ethics complaint against
for questionable campaign finance violations.

Congressman Lawler owns portion of Checkmate Strategies and he uses the same firm that he is a beneficiary of to pay for services related to his campaign.

The concerning questions are; is Mr Lawler engaging in laundering money form his campaign to his firm then into his own pocket?

I will let the Office of Congressional Ethics be the judge of that.

George Santos’s third ethics complaint is against Rep. LaLota.

On Monday the 3rd ethics report I’ll be submitting to the Office of Congressional Ethics is on

It has been raised in the local media that congressman Lalota obtained his JD attending Hofstra in day school while he was supposed to be working at the Board of elections at the same time.

The questionable actions are? Did Rep Lalota no-show to his tax pay funded job while going to school and if so he can potential have stolen public funds form the tax payers of NY.

I will let the Office of Congressional Ethics determine the validity of this grave allegation raised in his local media.

And his fourth ethics complaint will be against Rep. Menendez, son of crooked Democrat Senator Bob Menendez.

Mondays 4th Ethics report will be filled on Congressman Menendez (not to be confused with the senator).

While congressman Menedez has not been invoked by the diligent investigation of the DOJ into his father, there remains a question of what did he know and when did he know it, the complaint is to seek clarification from the freshman congressman on his involvement with his fathers overseas dealing over the years and any potential compensation he received.

I think it’s a fair point to make sure we weed out the doubt surrounding Rep Menendez and his business associations with his father.

I will leave it to the office of congressional ethics to investigate the material I’ll be submitting to them.

Nice work, Republicans! Nice job.

Via One America News Network.

The post George Santos Goes SCORCHED EARTH – Announces Ethics Complaints Against Top RINO Tormenters and One Democrat (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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