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Expert warns Letitia James heading for constitutional brick wall in Trump case


New York Attorney General Letitia James (Video screenshot)

By Katelynn Richardson
Daily Caller News Foundation

George Washington University Law professor Jonathan Turley suggested Friday that New York Attorney General Letitia James’ push for $250 million in penalties and the dissolution of former President Donald Trump’s companies could render her civil fraud case against him “unconstitutional.”

James’ case that the former president committed fraud by inflating his net worth and overvaluing assets met challenges during the trial this week as a Deutsche Bank employee testified that adjustments made to Trump’s net worth were not out of the ordinary, and documents revealed the bank was eager to land Trump as a client. If Judge Arthur Engoron sides with James’ effort to impose “dissolution and crippling damages,” it could “trigger a higher-court review” Turley wrote for The Messenger.

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“It is relatively rare for civil damages to trigger constitutional review, and it is still far from clear that this case will rise to that level,” Turley wrote.

“The New York law is unique in allowing massive penalties without the loss of a single dollar by a bank,” he continued. “However, James wants dissolution and crippling damages, and that could trigger a higher-court review.”

In the 1996 case BMW of North America v. Gore, the Supreme Court found that $2 million in punitive fines imposed on a company that repainted cars damaged in transit without informing customers violated the Due Process clause because it was “grossly excessive,” Turley said.

“One distinction between that case and the Trump proceeding is that the Supreme Court found no intentionally false statements by BMW — but effective dissolution of Trump’s business and a quarter-billion dollars in damages may raise analogous concerns over excessive penalties,” he wrote.

“In the Trump case, the banks made money.” Turley continued. “It would be akin to the car owner’s value going up with the paint job but still hitting BMW with punitive damages.”

In a November 2011 email, then-managing director of Deutsche Bank Rosemary Vrablic told colleagues after meeting with Donald Trump Jr. that they were “whale hunting,” a reference to a very wealthy client, according to The Associated Press.

“[G]iven the circles this family travels in, we expect to be introduced to the wealthiest people on the planet,” Vrablic also said in a 2011 email, according to the AP.

This story originally was published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: Shortly after Hamas terrorists fired over 5,000 rockets from Gaza into Israel on Oct. 7 and then proceeded to attack the Jewish state by land, sea and air – torturing, burning, beheading and murdering well over a thousand people, including women, children and infants, and wounding and abducting hundreds more – world reaction was, in its own way, almost equally shocking.

For after the biggest one-day mass slaughter of Jews since the Nazi Holocaust, what followed was an outpouring of celebratory demonstrations, unbridled Jew-hatred, deliriously gleeful support for Hamas and bitter condemnation of the nation of Israel. Not just in the Arab-Muslim world, but throughout the Western world as well, including all across America.

Why? What is behind the explosion of anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, pro-terror sentiment in the United States, where Israel has long been one of America's closest friends and allies? Why are hordes of young "woke" LGBT demonstrators marching in support of Hamas – when Hamas wouldn't think twice about binding and blindfolding them and throwing them off the roof of a tall building – as they routinely do in the Muslim world?

It turns out there's one area of agreement that is so powerful, deep-seated and all-consuming that the vast differences between the deranged left and the murderous jihadists melt away into Kumbaya harmony.

All of this and much more is completely exposed in November's issue of WND's critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled ISRAEL VS. GLOBAL JIHAD: How Jew-hatred, radical Islam and Leftism are pushing us toward World War III. Beyond a deeply insightful dive into why leftists are surging toward radical Islam – which hates and dreams of raping and butchering them – this Whistleblower issue includes fantastic articles by everyone from top Israeli analyst (and former Israel Defense Forces officer) Caroline Glick to Harvest Christian Fellowship's Pastor Greg Laurie on the current war in Israel and biblical prophecies regarding the End Times … which he says are now upon us.

WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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