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Some air traffic controllers who've endured 6-day workweeks and unrelenting schedules have turned to alcohol and drugs to avoid seeking professional help, report says

  • Air traffic controllers, who have long endured staffing shortages, are facing increasingly strenuous schedules.
  • The workloads have led some controllers to use alcohol, sleeping pills, and drugs to cope, per a Times report.
  • Complaints to the FAA revealed problems among the workforce that could jeopardize air safety.

There's a growing problem that's threatening the ability of air traffic controllers to effectively perform their jobs, which over time could weaken the safety of passengers in the skies: their strained workloads.

The air traffic controller workforce in recent years has been stretched to the brink, with staffing shortages necessitating six-day workweeks and 10-hour workdays for many controllers, conditions which have exacerbated exhaustion and in some cases led to depression, according to The New York Times.

In interviews and complaints sent to the Federal Aviation Administration, several controllers said they had not sought personal help to deal with physical and psychological issues because they were fearful of the FAA's rules governing medical clearances, per The Times.

The rules regulating the clearances prohibit particular medications from being used by air traffic controllers — as they could cause drowsiness on the job — so some controllers have turned to alcohol and sleeping pills instead, per the report. Some controllers have forgone medications that they needed in order to comply with the clearances. And a few controllers have even turned to drugs, based on a Times review of complaints that were submitted to the FAA.

The lengths that some air traffic controllers have gone through to maintain their jobs reflects the tediousness that the role demands, as they are the safeguards for the lives of millions upon millions of travelers. It is because of their work that passenger air travel in the US remains incredibly safe, a marvel of modern transportation.

But a Times report from September revealed that close calls at US airports have occurred at a greater rate than previously known. An examination of internal FAA records by the newspaper revealed that in 2023 such incidents took place multiple times a week. And the Times report also noted that in May, 310 of the 313 air traffic control facilities in the country had fewer than the recommended number of certified controllers.

The growing safety issues don't just extend to the well-being of controllers. The Washington Post in August reported that federal authorities have been investigating roughly 5,000 pilots who may have altered their medical records to withhold health issues that could jeopardize their ability to fly airplanes safely.

When it comes to air traffic controllers, the coping mechanisms that some of them have sought to employ were further detailed in complaints to the FAA.

Air controllers in one air traffic facility were reported for "using alcohol and illegal drugs while on position" as they were directing plane traffic, per a complaint examined by The Times. Another complaint listed the "strong odor of alcohol" that came from some controllers. Several controllers said that they witnessed some colleagues "showing extreme signs of mental problems."

And according to one FAA complaint reviewed by The Times, a controller said that she ingested up to nine vodka drinks per night to combat sleeping issues and panic attacks that a physician indicated was partly brought on by the stress of her job.

FAA spokeswoman Jeannie Shiffer in a statement to The Times said that the agency "maintains the safest, most complex and busiest airspace in the world."

"The nation absolutely needs more air traffic controllers, and growing the work force will result in better working conditions and more flexibility," she added.

Shiffer also said that the agency prioritized the health of its air traffic controllers, noting that it provided free counseling.

"When they have issues, we work with them to resolve it," she said in a statement.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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