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‘Customer a snitch fr’: Walmart worker films the moment he gets fired for telling customer to ‘Google it.’ Here’s why

A Walmart worker shared a viral video of his manager firing him for telling a customer to “Google it” when the customer asked him a question. 

The user @funny..bone..956 reposted the Walmart workers’ video to TikTok, and it garnered over 2.2 million views by Thursday. @funny..bone..956 frequently uses his popular TikTok account, with over 34,000 followers, to repost retail-store related content.

In the video, the Walmart worker positions his phone camera between himself and the Walmart manager to record their conversation.

At the start of the video, the manager explains how there was a situation the other day in the store when a customer asked for help with an AT&T box.

“Basically, when I asked you your side of the story, you had flat out refused to help her,” the manager says. “You told her to Google it.”

The manager says she understands the worker was busy at the time the customer asked him the question and that he couldn’t tend to her right away. “But the way that you handled it was not the way that you should have handled it,” she adds.

To this, the Walmart worker responds, “What did I do?”

Then the manager says he was rude to the customer.

“So, you’re taking her word for it?” the worker questions. The manager says she got the customer's side of the story first and came to the worker with the “benefit of the doubt.” .

When the worker suggests that the store now runs on a “he said, she said” basis, the manager responds, “No, this is what you told me.”

“Yeah I told her that I don’t care if she says that I’m rude because I did do my job,” the worker responds, “and I still don’t care.” 

The worker insists that he didn’t do anything wrong.

She emphasizes that in the moment, she understands he was busy, but the way he decided to go about the situation was “not correct.” 

“You can’t just tell a customer to Google it,” she adds. "If they knew to just Google it and read it themselves, they wouldn’t come to you for help.” 

The manager says the better route would have been to politely ask the customer to wait until they're finished with their task or call for help. 

“Your words to me were, 'If she can’t read, that’s not my problem,'” she adds.

“I did not say that, should have recorded me,” the worker responds. The worker claims he told the manager that the customer did not “want to read.”

Next he explains that he doesn’t feel his job description states he needs to read products for customers. 

“I was prepared to handle everything on my own,” he adds. “I don’t look for my backup. I don’t think the managers are gonna come and help me.” 

He says he showed the customer the list and was kind to her. “I’m on camera going back and forth between customers, five times to her. At no point did I say, 'Ma’am, I cannot help you anymore.'”

The worker says he believes he gave the customer all the information he could.

“At the end of the day,” the manager continues, “she came to an associate who was supposed to help her, and she didn’t feel like she got the help she needed.”

Then the worker fires back at the manager, saying, “Yeah, I have a job to do, so I really don’t have time to be asking for all this help.”

“That’s your job,” the manager responds. At the end of the day, she says they work in retail and are here to service the customers. 

The manager also says this isn’t the first time a situation like this has happened with this employee.

The worker claims the customer is lying and says she was the one being disrespectful.

“Based on the situation and the outcome of it,” the manager says, “I am letting you go.” 

“Thanks for doing me a favor,” the worker says before the video ends.

Viewers in the comment section commended the manager for the way she handled the situation. “This manager needs to be in HR! She handled this perfectly!” @merrmars_ said.

“You can tell how he treats the customers by the way he is speaking to his manager,” another commenter, @aimmestoddard, argued.

While the video is over a year old and has been reshared and gone viral in the past, it's unclear where it originated.

The Daily Dot reached out to @funny..bone..985 via TikTok direct message. 

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The post ‘Customer a snitch fr’: Walmart worker films the moment he gets fired for telling customer to ‘Google it.’ Here’s why appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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