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Lesser-known Greek island expecting to be a big tourist magnet next year

A TRAVEL expert has named an “underrated” Greek island as a popular tourist destination in 2024.

While it may only be November, tourists and travel experts are already thinking ahead to next year’s summer holidays.

Paros has been named as one of next year’s top holiday destinations.[/caption]
Paros is sandwiched between Mykonos and Santorini[/caption]

Jennifer Greene has been a professional travel planner for the last 10 years.

As part of her day job, Jennifer plans holidays to places like Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando Resort, but she also organises trips to other destinations.

In an article in Insider, Jennifer named the top nine “underrated” destinations that are set to be big in 2024.

And several lesser-known places across Europe made Jennifer’s list, including the Greek Island of Paros.

Jennifer told Insider: “Mykonos and Santorini draw the biggest crowds, but Paros is a much quieter destination.

“The lack of an international airport tends to keep it that way, but a gentle ebb of chic new hotels is attracting more tourists.

“The fishing village is home to beaches, wineries, and marble quarries. For an offbeat side trip, you can also hop on the boat to the even smaller island of Antiparos.”

Jennifer isn’t the first travel expert who has named Paros as one of next year’s top holiday destinations.

Earlier this month, a network of travel writers and editors from Conde Nast Traveller revealed the top 24 places to visit in 2024, with Paros also making the cut.

Paros is sandwiched between Mykonos and Santorini, and it is arguably as beautiful as the pair.

Holidaymakers can reach Paros on a plane from Athens, which takes 45 minutes.

Flights are also available from Mykonos and Santorini – although they both take a little longer.

The island has its own airport – making it much easier to visit than some other smaller islands in Greece that can only be accessed by ferry.

Plenty of trendy four-star and five-star hotels have recently opened on the island too, including Parilio and Cosme.

Despite being relatively unknown to Brit holidaymakers, Paros has welcomed its fair share of celebrities over the years.

Italian actor Monica Bellucci visited the island and vouched for its beauty.

Kalia Konstantinidou, co-founder of Kanava Hotels told Luxury London: “Paros is truly unique, mostly because of the energy the island exudes.

“It is also authentic. In comparison to Santorini and Mykonos, Paros is more laid back and offers an insight into the slow-paced Cycladic lifestyle.”

Meanwhile TikTok user Pat (@travelwithpat) described Paros as “one of the most underrated islands in all of Greece” in a video he posted earlier this year.

Paros is famous for its marble, which was considered to be the best in ancient times, but there are other attractions too, including its many beaches.

Food and drink is cheap too, with an inexpensive meal at a restaurant costing 8.

But Paros isn’t the only lesser-known Greek island that’s flown under the radar in recent years.

The overlooked island of Patmos attracts famous faces like Julia RobertsDavid Bowie, Richard Gere, and Tom Hanks, but is yet to become popular with British tourists.

Not only does it see temperatures reach 22C in the winter, but it’s also home to colourful beaches.

Whitewashed houses line the coast in Patmos, and the town of Chora is home to tiny restaurants serving local Greek seafood.

The port town Skala has more shops and bars, where the cheapest drink is the local Mythos beer or island-grown wine.

Meanwhile, the island of Naxos is cheaper the many of the other islands – with more goats than locals.

Don’t want to leave the UK? We’ve found some beautiful British islands that are home to sandy beaches, clear seas, and dolphins.

Holidaymakers can reach Paros on a plane from Athens, which takes 45 minutes[/caption]
Paros as “one of the most underrated islands in all of Greece” by holidaymakers[/caption]

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