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Компания-разработчик систем безопасности стала резидентом ОЭЗ «Технополис Москва»

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Clever tech hacks for less stress this holiday, from Amazon spoilers to family pics

Gift shopping, scammers, cooking the prime rib just right … There’s too much to worry about this time of year. Before you dive headfirst into the festive frenzy, I've got tech tips that'll sprinkle a little magic on your celebrations

As my holiday thanks to my loyal readers, I’m giving away an iPhone. Yep, you can win a new iPhone 15 (valued at $799). Enter to win now!

Cook up a storm with a digital cookbook

Picture this: All your go-to holiday recipes are neatly corralled in one digital cookbook. No more frantic shuffling, clicking through a million tabs or misplaced ingredient lists.


If your recipes are printed or handwritten, snap a pic with your tablet. Add all the pics to one folder (or try the Notes app if you’re on an iPad) for easy swiping between them. Cooking from recipes you found online? Save the PDF versions and toss them in one spot. No iPad? Use your phone!

Bonus: An inexpensive cookbook holder will keep your tablet out of the mess of flour, stock and butter in the kitchen. (This one is gorgeous if you have a bit more to spend.)

Do cards the easier way

I’m giving you permission to go digital with holiday cards this year. Canva, Adobe Express, Paperless Post and Mailchimp are solid options. You can choose a template, whip up a greeting and send it off in just a few minutes — no trip to the post office required.

Spoiler-proof Amazon

Before you start buying holiday gifts in a frenzy, make sure your Amazon account is set up the right way.

Stop arguing about when to leave

The classic holiday battle: When should you leave the house to get to your destination on time and avoid traffic? Stop guessing and let traffic-predicting algorithms make your drive easier. 


You can get a pretty accurate traffic forecast for a future date based on what the conditions are like on that day and time. Then you can fine-tune your departure time to find the ideal time to hit the road.

Here’s how to set a planned time and date for a trip in Google Maps:

Steps are here to find out the best time to leave based on when you want to arrive — and steps to do both in Apple Maps.

Say ‘Cheese!’ to better group pics

Remember the days of designating one unlucky soul to be the photographer? You know, the family friend or someone’s random date. Upgrade to your smartphone camera's timer.


If someone insists on taking the pic, ask them to use burst mode. All they have to do is hold down on the shutter button to capture a ton of photos at once. Better chance you’ll get everyone smiling!

Smile! But do it the right way. Here’s how to look better in pics.

Remove the screen temptation

It’s not the weekend to be glued to your phone, scrolling headlines or social media. Need a little help disconnecting?

Rather than a blanket screen time limit, be strategic and limit the stuff that sucks you in. Maybe you set a 10-minute limit on Instagram, for example. 

If you set your phone to Do Not Disturb, all good — just make sure you get the calls you want.

Keep your tech-know going 

My popular podcast is called "Kim Komando Today." It’s a solid 30 minutes of tech news, tips, and callers with tech questions like you from all over the country. Search for it wherever you get your podcasts. For your convenience, hit the link below for a recent episode.

PODCAST PICK: Selfie-related deaths, TikTok Jesus scam & expired tech in your house

Plus, Gary Larock needed a kidney, so his family turned to Facebook. A stranger saw the post and stepped in with a life-changing decision. Apple is opening up to Android messaging, and the Feds want to monitor your car. Also, affordable home mesh Wi-Fi systems.

Check out my podcast "Kim Komando Today" on Apple, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player.

Listen to the podcast here or wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for my last name, "Komando."

Sound like a tech pro, even if you’re not! Award-winning popular host Kim Komando is your secret weapon. Listen on 425+ radio stations or get the podcast. And join over 400,000 people who get her free 5-minute daily email newsletter.

Copyright 2024, WestStar Multimedia Entertainment. All rights reserved.

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Массовое отравление едой из доставки произошло в хостеле в Москве

Компания-разработчик систем безопасности стала резидентом ОЭЗ «Технополис Москва»

В преддверии Дня защитника Отечества в спецподразделении Росгвардии прошёл день открытых дверей

Столичные росгвардейцы обеспечили правопорядок на матче КХЛ

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"Ищите меня на дорогах Москвы": Звёзды пересаживаются на китайские авто. Киркоров, Бузова, Харламов - кто ещё похвастался новинками?

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Зеленский назвал спектаклем желание Путина видеть Трампа на Дне Победы в Москве

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Новости России

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Три человека пострадали при столкновении электрички с грузовиком под Брянском

Массовое отравление едой из доставки произошло в хостеле в Москве

Песков: Путин будет рад видеть лидеров, готовых разделить гордость Дня Победы

Экология в России и мире

Хореограф Цискаридзе: меня должен играть в кино актер с красивыми руками

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Спорт в России и мире

Разгром за 33 минуты случился в первом матче Путинцевой

Делрей-Бич (ATP). 1/4 финала. Кецманович играет с Гироном, Фриц встретится с Давидовичем-Фокина

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Даниил Медведев вышел в полуфинал турнира ATP-250 в Марселе


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