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Judge rules on transgender lawmaker's suit against state House


Transgender Montana Rep. Zooey Zephyr (Video screenshot)

A judge has ruled the Montana state House of Representatives has the right to discipline members as it chooses.

And he's thrown out a lawsuit by Zooey Zephyr, a transgender Democrat who sued over a House decision to punish him.

A report in the Washington Times revealed Montana District Court Judge Mike Menahan has granted the state's request to dismiss the lawsuit Zephyr filed accusing the House of violating his rights.

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Menahan, a Democrat and former member of the House, said in his 10-page order, "Article V, Section 10 of the Montana Constitution provides the Legislature the authority to discipline its members."

Zephyr was censured last April for violating House rules and decorum "after holding up a disconnected microphone on the House floor in support of gallery protesters," the report said.

Demonstrators were arrested at the time.

The judge said, "The censure limited Zephyr to voting remotely on pending legislation for the remainder of the legislative session."

In the House at the time was legislation that would protect children from gender-transition drugs and surgeries that can leave them mutilated, and sterile, for life.

Zephyer, a male who "transitioned" to female in 2018, scolded other representatives with, "If you vote yes on this bill and yes on these amendments, I hope the next time there’s an invocation, when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands."

The judge also noted that the lawsuit became moot when the legislature adjourned May 2.

"The court cannot grant effective relief in this matter because there is no longer a ‘live’ controversy. Because of the fact specific nature of plaintiffs' claims, no mootness exception applies. Without a justiciable issue, this court may not hear plaintiffs’ case."

WND reported when Menahan ruled months ago that the legislature's decision would stand.

Zephyr, whose original name was Zachary Raasch, had launched a verbal attack against Republican lawmakers as they were voting on one LGBT agenda point.

His privilege to be on the floor of House, and speak, was suspended by a House vote then, and later, after appearing to lead an "insurrection" by his supporters in the House chamber, he sued.

The House censure vote found Zephyr had "violated the rules, collective rights, safety, dignity, integrity, or decorum of the House of Representatives."


IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: Shortly after Hamas terrorists fired over 5,000 rockets from Gaza into Israel on Oct. 7 and then proceeded to attack the Jewish state by land, sea and air – torturing, burning, beheading and murdering well over a thousand people, including women, children and infants, and wounding and abducting hundreds more – world reaction was, in its own way, almost equally shocking.

For after the biggest one-day mass slaughter of Jews since the Nazi Holocaust, what followed was an outpouring of celebratory demonstrations, unbridled Jew-hatred, deliriously gleeful support for Hamas and bitter condemnation of the nation of Israel. Not just in the Arab-Muslim world, but throughout the Western world as well, including all across America.

Why? What is behind the explosion of anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, pro-terror sentiment in the United States, where Israel has long been one of America's closest friends and allies? Why are hordes of young "woke" LGBT demonstrators marching in support of Hamas – when Hamas wouldn't think twice about binding and blindfolding them and throwing them off the roof of a tall building – as they routinely do in the Muslim world?

It turns out there's one area of agreement that is so powerful, deep-seated and all-consuming that the vast differences between the deranged left and the murderous jihadists melt away into Kumbaya harmony.

All of this and much more is completely exposed in November's issue of WND's critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled ISRAEL VS. GLOBAL JIHAD: How Jew-hatred, radical Islam and Leftism are pushing us toward World War III. Beyond a deeply insightful dive into why leftists are surging toward radical Islam – which hates and dreams of raping and butchering them – this Whistleblower issue includes fantastic articles by everyone from top Israeli analyst (and former Israel Defense Forces officer) Caroline Glick to Harvest Christian Fellowship's Pastor Greg Laurie on the current war in Israel and biblical prophecies regarding the End Times … which he says are now upon us.

WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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The post Judge rules on transgender lawmaker's suit against state House appeared first on WND.

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