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10,000 Trees Planted in Deux-Montagnes for 2 Billion Trees Program

10,000 Trees Planted in Deux-Montagnes for 2 Billion Trees Program

Canada, renowned for its vast and pristine forests, is leveraging its natural treasures in the fight against climate change. Trees, recognized for their remarkable ability to capture carbon, rejuvenate ecosystems, reduce wildfire risks, and mitigate flooding, are pivotal allies. To harness these vital benefits, Canada has undertaken an ambitious commitment to plant two billion trees.

Collaborating seamlessly with the Regional County Municipality (RCM) of Deux-Montagnes and the Institute of Territories, the Government of Canada has set its sights on climate change mitigation by promoting afforestation and diversifying tree species in the region.

A Joint Effort to Combat Climate Change

In a groundbreaking announcement, The Honorable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources and Energy of Canada, and Pierre Charron, Mayor of Saint-Eustache, unveiled a joint investment exceeding $250,000. This substantial funding will facilitate the planting of a remarkable 10,000 trees, spread across 24 public sites, encompassing an impressive total area of 9.5 hectares. The primary objective is to bolster community resilience against the relentless impacts of climate change and natural disturbances.

Variety and Adaptability

The selection of tree species is as diverse as the benefits they offer. Among those chosen are the red maple, white oak, shagbark hickory, and tulip poplar, with some even undergoing assisted migration to new territories. Diverse forests provide a multitude of advantages, including assisting in climate change adaptation, enhancing the visual landscape, creating flourishing wildlife habitats, mitigating urban heat islands through temperature regulation in urban centers, and reducing the risks of wildfires and flooding. Additionally, some of the planted species are strategically chosen to combat the spread of invasive exotic plants.

2 Billion Trees Program: An Environmental Commitment

Through its visionary 2 Billion Trees program, the Government of Canada contributes to elevated air quality, offers respite from summer heat through urban cooling, generates employment opportunities, and plays a significant role in the fight against climate change while preserving the natural environment. Collaborating seamlessly with provinces, territories, non-governmental organizations, local communities, and Indigenous peoples, Canada is steadfast in its commitment to ensuring a healthier and brighter future for generations to come.

A Collective Endeavor

“Today’s announcement is a significant step towards planting our two billion trees to clean the air, enhance biodiversity, and advance climate action across the country. Collaborative efforts to plant over 10,000 trees in Deux-Montagnes will help ensure that citizens enjoy cleaner air and a healthier living environment. Partnerships with municipalities produce significant results for the Canadian population and ensure that the right tree is planted in the right place for the right reasons,” emphasized The Honorable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources and Energy of Canada.

Pierre Charron, Mayor of Saint-Eustache and Prefect of the RCM of Deux-Montagnes, expressed his pride in participating in this monumental project. He remarked, “I am proud, on behalf of all my colleagues, to participate in this ambitious project throughout the region in collaboration with Natural Resources Canada and the Institute of Territories, two valuable partners. Our efforts are part of a series of initiatives aimed at countering the impact of climate change while enhancing the quality of our landscapes.”

A Brighter, Greener Tomorrow

“Thanks to these 10,000 trees and by adhering to the principle of the right tree in the right place, various habitats are enriched by the numerous contributions of trees. Here, we have created a privacy screen. There, a wildlife habitat is established. Here, the resilience of a heritage forest is increased, while further down the road, a highway landscape is enhanced. In a strategic location, the spread of an exotic species is curbed. On a cross-country ski trail, the harmful effects of the sun are filtered,” concluded André Goulet, Forestry Engineer at the Institute of Territories.

With this monumental tree-planting effort, Canada takes a significant stride towards a greener, more sustainable future while reaffirming its dedication to combatting the pressing challenges of climate change.

The post 10,000 Trees Planted in Deux-Montagnes for 2 Billion Trees Program appeared first on The North Shore News.

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