Cardiologists had the highest annual average wage in Texas based on 2022 data.
Davel5957/Getty Images
Business Insider looked at average annual wage data of jobs in Texas.
Cardiologists had an average pay of $413,510, indicating it's the highest-paying job in Texas.
Radiologists and ophthalmologists are two other jobs with high salaries in Texas based on averages.
There's a saying that everything is bigger in Texas, and the state's economy is no different.
The average pay for pediatricians in Texas was $250,850 a year, while ophthalmologists had an even bigger paycheck, with an average of more than $300,000.
Business Insider looked at jobs with pay data available for Texas. Cardiologist was the highest-paying occupation in Texas, with an average annual wage of $413,510 in the state, based on 2022 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
That's higher than the occupation's average for New York, which was $348,860. This was also just below the national average of $421,330 for cardiologists.
Pediatric surgeons had the second-highest annual pay in Texas, with an average of $365,130. That's compared to $362,970 nationally.
Below are the 25 highest-paying jobs in Texas, based on available Bureau of Labor Statistics data, and the estimated number of people holding these jobs in the state.
25. Postsecondary health specialties teachers
SDI Productions/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $156,550
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 23,380
24. Dentists
Adalberto Rodriguez/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $162,900
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 9,190
23. Financial managers
LumiNola/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $163,020
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 57,680
22. Lawyers
Chris Ryan/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $166,620
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 50,070
21. Architectural and engineering managers
Rawpixel/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $168,180
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 18,570
20. Podiatrists
Carlos Andres/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $180,000
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 390
19. Athletes and sports competitors
Leslie Plaza Johnson/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $189,800
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 1,110
18. Psychiatrists
NoSystem images/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $198,250
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 1,170
17. Nurse anesthetists
andresr/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $208,940
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 2,880
16. Dentists (all other specialists)
Thomas Barwick/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $210,930
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 180
15. Family medicine physicians
Maskot/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $211,940
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 8,770
14. Airline pilots, copilots, and flight engineers
Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $212,940
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 9,190
13. General internal medicine physicians
Westend61/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $219,640
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 3,460
12. Neurologists
Tashi-Delek/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $235,780
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 150
11. Pediatricians
Maskot/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $250,850
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: Not available
10. Physicians (all other)
Maskot/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $274,650
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 21,990
9. Pathologists
Nitat Termmee/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $276,750
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 870
8. Obstetricians and gynecologists
Andersen Ross/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $294,250
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 1,550
7. Radiologists
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $297,320
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 1,590
6. Anesthesiologists
stefanamer/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $298,710
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 940
5. Chief executives
Shannon Fagan/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $314,060
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 5,150
4. Surgeons (all other)
Shannon Fagan/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $331,980
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 1,780
3. Ophthalmologists (except pediatric)
aire images/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $338,400
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 990
2. Pediatric surgeons
FS Productions/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $365,130
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 140
1. Cardiologists
andreswd/Getty Images
Average annual wage in Texas: $413,510
Estimated number of people holding this job in Texas: 690
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