THOUSANDS of hard-up households in 280 postcodes are due up to £25 in cold weather payments.
Cold weather payments are made in locations where residents experience continuous below-zero weather.
The Mega AgencyLast year, some areas which experienced extended periods of freezing temperatures saw two £25 payouts triggered – meaning households received £50 in free cash[/caption]
Households can get £25 during each seven-day period of low temperatures from now until March 31.
Depending on your specific circumstances, you may also need to meet one or more of the following additional criteria:
Have a disability or be in receipt of pension premium
Have a child who is disabled
Be in receipt of child tax credit that includes a disability or severe disability element
Have a severe or enhanced disability premium
Be in receipt of a limited capability for work amount
Have a child under five living with you
You can find out more about eligibility on the government’s website.
Getting the cold weather payment doesn’t affect any other benefits you get.
If you’re eligible, you should get the payments automatically within 14 days, into the same account where you get your benefit payments.
But if you think you should get the payment and haven’t, then contact your pension centre or Jobcentre Plus office, or call the Universal Credit helpline on 0800 328 5644.
If you’re getting Universal Credit, you can also sign in to your account and add a note to your journal.
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