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Israel investigates Hamas claim 10-month-old hostage baby Kfir Bibas killed in Gaza along with mum & brother, 4

ISRAEL is investigating Hamas’ claim that baby hostage Kfir Bibas has been killed along with his mum and brother in Gaza.

The terror group’s military wing – the Al-Qassam Brigades – claimed the 10-month-old baby, his brother Ariel, 4, and mum Shiri, 32, died during fighting against Israel.

Kfir Bibas, the youngest Israeli hostage in Gaza, was allegedly killed while being held captive under Hamas monsters
Al-Qassam Brigades claimed Shiri and her sons Kfir and Ariel are dead
The family – Shiri, Yarden, Kfir and Ariel – were all abducted by Hamas

The fanatics claimed the family – who were snatched during the vile massacre of October 7 – all died before the current ceasefire took place.

Hamas chiefs claimed without evidence that they were killed in Israeli shelling – but this has not been verified.

The terrorist group has been accused of using civilians and hostages as human shields as they hide out in Gaza.

Israel is scrambling to verify Hamas’ claim after the terrorists have repeatedly failed to offer information on the trio.

IDF officials confirmed they have notified the Bibas family, and once again slammed the terrorist group as “cruel and inhuman”.

It will be an agonising wait for the Bibas family who have been anxiously awaiting news on Kfir, his brother, his mum, and his dad Yarden, 34.

Kfir, Ariel and Shiri were caught on video being snatched by Hamas from Kibbutz Nir Oz during their vile massacre.

Shiri’s despairing face as she clings to her two red-haired boys was one of the most haunting images of October 7.

Horrified onlookers screamed “she has a baby” as she was bundled away by Hamas.

The family was hiding in a safe room in their home on the border with Gaza when the terrorists attacked.

Yarden texted relatives “I love you all” as they sheltered – before telling family members “they are coming in”.

Another clip showed the dad suffering from a head injury after being repeatedly hit with a hammer by Hamas butchers.

Yarden’s status remains unknown – and his death was not claimed today by Hamas.

The family have been desperate for news, but just today said that Hamas did not know if the hostages were “alive or dead”.

And the photo of little smiling Kfir clutching his pink elephant toy has been seen around the world as millions waited for his release.

It comes after the IDF said on Monday that Hamas “no longer has control” of the Bibas hostages.

They were allegedly handed over to a separate Palestinian terror group in a sick trade – being treated like “loot”.

The IDF stated that Kfir and his family were being held by another “faction” in the southern city of Khan Younis, which is expected to be a major target in Israel’s next offensive.

The young baby’s family earlier said time was running out as they cried: “If we wait another day, we may lose him.” 

They believe the 10-month-old baby boy is being used as a “trophy” after Hamas monsters allegedly traded him with another terrorist group inside bomb-blitzed Gaza.

Ofri begged for their safe return and told local media: “At the moment they are the youngest hostages still remaining in Hamas captivity.

“We don’t know where they’ve been held. From what we know, they are kept underground.

“We’re really worried about the 10-month-old baby with formula as the main diet.”

Just a few hours ago, the heartbroken relatives accused Hamas of not knowing whether the Bibas family are “dead or alive”.

But now their worst fear has come true as the evil terrorists announced the news of his death.

IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said: “The terrorist organization Hamas continues to act in a cruel and inhuman manner.

“IDF representatives spoke with the members of the Bibas family, informed them of the publication and are accompanying them at this time.

“The IDF is examining the reliability of the information.

“The responsibility for the safety of all the abductees and abductees in the Gaza Strip lies fully with the terrorist organization Hamas.”

He added: “Hamas endangers the abductees, including nine children. Hamas is required to immediately return them to Israel.

“The IDF together with all the bodies will continue to accompany the Bibas family, as well as all the families of the abductees and abductees.

“The IDF works with all means, intelligence and operational, in order to return the abductees home.”

Yarden’s sister Ofri leads a rally calling for the release of the two boys and their mum & dad[/caption]
Orange balloons are released at the rally in tribute to Kfir and Ariel’s red hair[/caption]
Protesters hold up signs calling for the release of the children[/caption]

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