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Imran to not take part in intra-party polls, Gohar Khan nominated for PTI chairman


PTI’s Barrister Ali Zafar announced on Wednesday that Chairman Imran Khan would not be contesting intra-party polls scheduled for December 2 (Saturday) and Barrister Gohar Khan had been nominated for the slot of party chairman.

The announcement comes a day after the party found itself embroiled in fresh controversy after denying a statement by one of its own senior leaders, who had claimed that Imran Khan would not contest the upcoming intra-party polls for the slot of party chairman and that he had picked someone to contest in his stead.

Speaking to the media outside the Election Commission of Pakistan in Islamabad, Zafar said that the PTI chief had been convicted in the Toshakhana case.

Maintaining that a person could not be disqualified for failing to declare Toshakhana gifts, Zafar said that the the party then had to see if the ECP would take any “illegal or unconstitutional” step that would prevent the party from getting the bat as its poll symbol or cancel the nominations of its candidates.

He noted that while Imran’s Toshakhana sentence has been suspended but a “final decision” had not yet been made.

He said that all these matters were discussed with Imran in the presence of other lawyers. He quoted Imran as saying that he did not want to give the ECP any “excuse” for not giving the party the bat symbol in the upcoming general elections, rejecting the nomination of candidates or for not participating in the election.

“The public is with us. We will win the elections when they happen. I want to take part in the general election. Intra-party polls hold no meaning for me. I want that the Toshkahana case is decided as soon as possible. When it is decided, I will contest intra-party polls as chairman,” Zafar quoted Imran as saying.

He further said that the ex-premier had directed the party to hold intra-party polls, adding that the decision was placed before the senior leadership which had approved it.

He said that Imran would not contest intra-party polls until the Toshakhana case was decided.

Zafar said that the question then arose about the candidates for the intra-party polls as well as the nominated “caretaker chairman”. He said that the names of several prominent prominent personalities were discussed, however, all of them had been appointed to permanent positions within the party.

“It would not be appropriate to give them a temporary position. That is why we need someone who is not controversial and can play a role in this caretaker mode, this temporary arrangement,” he said.

Announcing Gohar as the nominee for chairman, Zafar said that the lawyer was an appropriate pick for a “temporary arrangement”. “With his nomination, you will realise that this is not a minus-one formula, that this is not a coup. He is Imran Khan sahib’s own nominee and is appropriate for the temporary arrangement we are doing.”

Zafar further said, “PTI is Imran Khan and Imran Khan is PTI. PTI is nothing without Imran Khan. It doesn’t matter if you’re the chairman on paper. The leader, and the continuous leader, is Imran Khan sahib.”

Zafar said that the party had to overcome legal hurdles as well as implement the ECP’s “illegal and unconstitutional” order which is why it was taking this step.

Meanwhile, Gohar said, “I am speechless. I do not have the words to thank Imran Khan sahib.”

He said that the Imran was the leader of the PTI whether he was in jail or whether he was free. “Khan sahib was the leader and chairman, is the chairman and God willing will remain the chairman,” he said, adding that he would handle the post as party chairman until Imran returned.

More to follow

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