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Spanish sommelier shoots to fame over uncanny resemblance to Lord Dave

Spanish sommelier Anselmo Fernández Vizcaíno has often been noted for his resemblance to David Cameron (Picture: Takeawine/ Cavendish Press)

A Spanish sommelier has become an unlikely social media star- after customers kept noticing his uncanny resemblance to David Cameron.

Anselmo Fernández Vizcaíno, 49, has been turning heads over his likeness to the new Foreign Secretary ever since a picture of him appeared on a British Expats group on Facebook earlier this month.

A customer at Senor Vizcaino’s Takeawine bar in Estepona on the Costa Del Sol had posted the image to wax lyrical about the various types of Rioja served by the lookalike of the former PM.

Facebook user Helen Buteux said: ‘We only dropped in for a glass of wine but the owner didn’t know what type of Rioja we liked so he gave us three wines to try – plus explanation about the area and wines. So interesting, he spent half an hour with us – such a lovely guy.’

The sommelier shot to fame after his picture was posted on a British Expats Facebook group (Picture: Takeawine/ Cavendish Press)

But Expats responded with a string of comments about the wine bar boss’s resemblance to the Foreign Secretary, who himself is known to enjoy the odd glass of vino.

Quips included: ‘Is that David Cameron?’ and ‘David Cameron the Sommelier?’ whilst a third joked: ‘I bet he’s serving up a glass of Chateau De Brexit.’

This week Senor Vizcaino, who has run his bar in the Spanish resort town since September 2020 admitted his striking resemblance to Mr Cameron – and invited the Foreign Secretary over to his premises for wine, tapas and a chinwag.

‘Yes, the truth is that there has been an increase in comments from our customers about my likeness to Mr Cameron since the new appointment,’ he said.

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Mr Vizcaíno says he’s flattered by the comparisons and would love to meet his political doppelganger (Picture: Cavendish Press)

‘Our customers come in, order one of our wines and then the next thing you know they are getting out their mobile phones and comparing me with the real photo of him.

‘It did actually come as a big surprise as he has not been in the public eye for some time – but the truth is that I am delighted with the situation. And I do admit I look a bit like him. I see it as a good thing.’

He added: ‘David Cameron is a well-known personality in Spain. He is known for his time as former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, being the person who made the famous referendum that ended in Brexit.

‘But I hear he did not have to have a very good time when he made the decision to promote the referendum and how it ended. But whatever happens I think you have to have something special to become Prime Minister, and make those types of decisions – and I think he does have that.’

Former PM David Cameron recently returned to frontbench politics after being appointed Foreign Secretary (Picture: Reuters)

When asked if he would invited Mr Cameron to his bar, Senor Vizcaino who was named a ‘Tourist of Honour’ for Estepona in 2018 for his services to hospitality in the town said he would treat the Foreign Secretary to tapas dishes including Cordoban-style oxtail, the Biscayan-style cod and Chistorra and blood sausage washed down with white and red Rioja wines from the Bodegas Juan Carlos Sancha and Bodegas Corral vineyards.

‘Spain is a truly international country where you can chat in an idyllic setting while enjoying a good wine – and our bar is no exception to that rule,’ he added.

‘I would invite Mr Cameron over so I could have the opportunity to get to know him better as a person and hear first-hand his various lived experiences. I believe he has lots of them and I hope he would like to know my life experiences too.

‘He seems like a very nice gentleman – I would love to meet him.’

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