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Drew Barrymore, Linda Evangelista, and Sharon Stone cry they've 'had it with dating'

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce may be making headlines for their whirlwind relationship, but other stars are happy to let romance take a back seat.

Supermodel Linda Evangelista recently revealed that she is "not interested" in pursuing a romantic relationship.

"I don’t want to sleep with anybody anymore," Evangelista told The Sunday Times. "I don’t want to hear somebody breathing."

Evangelista said her last date was "definitely before the CoolSculpting" procedures she had between August 2015 and February 2016.


She ended up filing a lawsuit against CoolSculpting’s parent company, Zeltiq Aesthetics Inc., for $50 million in damages, alleging she had been "brutally disfigured."

The 58-year-old received a settlement in July 2022.

In 2013, Evangelista told Harper’s Bazaar "motherhood is my whole life now." She shares one son, Augustin James, with French businessman François-Henri Pinault. 

Evangelista is not the only star who has sworn off dating in one form or another.


Drew Barrymore has been single for the past seven years following her divorce from ex-husband Will Kopelman, with whom she shares daughters Olive and Frankie. 

In a blog post in October, she admitted that she had chosen to abstain from sex since the split. 

"I needed to stay very celibate and honoring and in some sort of state of mourning of the loss of a nuclear family that I swore I would have for my daughters and to find grace and acceptance and what our new normal of a blended family would be," the "Charlie’s Angels" star wrote.

"So for the record, I do not hate sex!" she wrote. "I have just finally come to the epiphany that love and sex are simply not the same thing I searched my whole life for, which is to be a calm woman and not a bombastic party girl. Also, when you grow up and are in a marriage with kids and you think you’ll only be with this one person for the rest of your life and then that doesn’t happen? It rocked me to my core, to put it lightly. But I am lucky enough to have my cup runneth over in the love department: I have my two daughters, and for the first time ever in my life, I’m actually including self-love, too."

The talk show host shared later that month that Swift’s relationship with Kelce inspired her to pursue dating again, and invited an on-again, off-again guy to a wedding as her date.

"I just want to say for me personally, I have been single for seven years. Happily seeing her on that first date, out there in the box with his family – I really had a very big Oprah ‘aha’ moment," Barrymore said on her show.


Sharon Stone has dated and been married in the past, but as of 2021, she said she is done with it.

"I’m done dating, I’ve had it with dating," Stone said on "The Drew Barrymore Show." "I just find people to be insincere and not worth my time. I enjoy my alone time and time with my kids and my friends more."

She added, "I just feel like I don’t need another kid. "I don't want any insincerity and bologna and game playing."

Barrymore mentioned it is a recurring phenomenon she is seeing of women being less interested in dating, and Stone answered, "I don’t feel like men are at the same place that women are right now."

"I have really good men friends, but I just feel when it comes to emotional maturity in relationships that men and women are seemingly in different spots," she continued.


Stone is a mother to three boys, Roan, who she adopted with then husband Phil Bronstein, and younger sons Laird and Quinn, who she adopted on her own.

During the interview, she noted that she is doing her best to teach her sons to be good men, not just as partners, but for their own sense of self. 

"There’s certain fears that boys and men have in the world today because there’s certain misunderstandings about power and what it means to be masculine and what it means to be powerful and what it means to be important," she explained. "So, I’m trying to teach my boys that the ideas that men have passed on about what it means to be masculine and important might not be wholly correct and might not ultimately benefit them, even in relationship to each other so that they can be more successful in their future. And get the things that they want in their life, happy, healthy relationship[s], success in business and just joy in their life." 


Diane Keaton has had a share of high-profile partners, including Al Pacino, Warrren Beatty and Woody Allen, but has never married, and according to recent interviews, she has no real interest in making it happen. 

In March, the 77-year-old told AARP: The Magazine that it is "highly unlikely" she will ever be in a relationship again.

"I don't date. Highly unlikely. I don't remember anyone calling me, going, 'This is So-and-So, I'd like to take you out.' They don't happen. Of course not," she said.

Keaton is a mom to two children via adoption in her 50s, daughter Dexter and son Duke.

In January, the Oscar-winner told "Extra" she had not been on a date in 15 years.

"They probably just thought, 'Enough's enough … she's too weird.' I'm kind of odd, but I'm doing fine," she said at the time.

She also told People in 2019, "I don't think it would have been a good idea for me to have married, and I'm really glad I didn't. And I'm sure they're happy about it, too."


"Insecure" star Yvonne Orji went viral this month when she revealed on Chelsea Handler’s "Dear Chelsea" podcast that she is still a virgin at the age of 39.

When asked directly if she was still a virgin by Handler, she said confidently "I am," shocking the comedian.

Orji played Molly Carter on HBO’s "Insecure" from 2016 to 2021, when her character had numerous sex scenes. 

During the podcast, Orji told Handler how she asks her friends and family to "Pray for him, whoever he is… Because there’s a lot of pent-up energy in here within me."

The 39-year-old said she is "happy" with her decision, saying, "I feel like I don't think I could've ever gotten married before this moment."

The actress has talked about her decision to wait to have sex in public before. During a TEDx talk in 2017, Orji explained that she decided she was going to wait until marriage after she attended Bible study while as a freshman on campus.

During the presentation, she said, "And by the time I knew it, y'all, I'd been bamboozled by Jesus. I got saved at 17. I told him I was going to wait till 18, and he swooped in at 17 and now, 33 and still waiting. It's all good, though. I don't mind the wait."

Fox News Digital's Gabriel Hays contributed to this report

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