Michael Knowles thinks he's baiting Media Matters. Nah, he's just making excuses for teh racism:
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): I don't wanna move on too quickly from what is almost guaranteed to be my Media Matters highlight clip of the day, which is that there's nothing inherently wrong with blackface. And it's just a fact. And I think it's ridiculous that anyone even pretends to contradict this today. You don't need to take my word for it. Here is proof that there is nothing inherently wrong with blackface care of, I don't know, the last however many decades you can possibly remember from Hollywood.
So, a lot of times conservatives will point to these clips -- whenever some lib calls us racist, we point to these clips and we say, no, you're the real racists because you did blackface. But I actually don't see anything wrong with any of those performances. Any of them. Not one. They were all fine, even from the libs. Even Jimmy Kimmel making fun of Oprah, that was funny. Even Sarah Silverman, which is the edgiest one there because she's doing actual, like, grease blackface minstrel show performance, it's obviously ironic what she's doing. She's obviously making a commentary on it. It's totally fine.