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Dezeen's Pinterest roundup features seven tranquil mosques

Over the past week, searches for mosques on Pinterest have increased by more than 10 per cent. We've rounded up seven projects from our mosque board.

The studios included in this roundup looked to traditional Islamic architecture to create timeless mosques to be used as a space for worship and prayer.

Studios including Shatotto and Marks Barfield Architects used natural building materials to design mosques to serve the local community.

Scroll down to see seven projects from our mosque board on Pinterest.

Sydney mosque, Australia, Candalepas Associates

A decorative concrete-vaulted roof is the main feature of this mosque in Sydney, Australia, by architecture studio Candalepas Associates.

The building can accommodate 300 men and women and has two adjoined but separate courtyards which provide segregated gender-specific routes to perform required ablutions before prayer.

Find out more about this mosque in Sydney ›

Paradise Has Many Gates installation by Aljan Gharem

Saudi Arabian artist Ajlan Gharem looked to Islamic tradition when designing this installation which was awarded the V&A's Jameel Prize.

Gharem created the mosque out of chicken wire to recall the imagery of refugee detention centres and border walls and invoke associated feelings of anxiety.

Find out more about the Paradise Has Many Gates installation

Mosque of Mohamed Abdulkhaliq Gargash, Dubai, by Dabbagh Architects

White stone facades consisting of geometric forms and calligraphy define this mosque in the UAE designed by Dubai studio Dabbagh Architects.

In remembrance of the late businessman Mohamed Abdulkhaliq Gargash, after whom the mosque is named, the Gargash family commissioned the studio to design a tranquil prayer space, offering respite from the bustling city.

Find out more about the Mosque of Mohamed Abulkhaliq Gargash › 

The Cambridge Central Mosque, England, by Marks Barfield Architects

Marks Barfield Architects designed this mosque in Cambridge, which takes inspiration from local architecture in Cambridge. Using timber, the studio created tree-like pillars that connect to form an interwoven, octagonal canopy which holds up its domed roof.

Domes are significant in Islamic culture and symbolise heaven and earth, making them a common addition to sacral architecture.

Find out more about the Cambridge Central Mosque ›

The Mayor Mohammad Hanif Jame Mosque, Bangladesh, by Shatotto

Architecture practice Shatotto used brick to create the Mohammad Hanif Jame Mosque which is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Two brick masses frame an open-air prayer space, referred to as a sahn. On one side, you'll find the male prayer spaces, while the other side accommodates the women's prayer hall, restrooms, ablution spaces for both men and women and the imam's room.

Find out more about the Mayor Mohammad Hanif Jame Mosque ›

The Dandaji Mosque, Niger, Atelier Masomi

Atelier Masomi completed this mosque for a community in Niger using locally fabricated compressed earth bricks.

The studio avoided using materials that could not be locally sourced, such as glass, and lighting fixtures in the mosque are all from local markets.

Find out more about the Dandaji Mosque ›

Bait Ur Rouf Mosque, Bangladesh, Marina Tabassum

Bangladeshi architect Marina Tabassum designed this mosque for a densely populated neighbourhood in Dhaka.

Tabassum placed the mosque on a raised plinth to give worshippers an area for socialising and to protect it from floodwater.

Find out more about the Bait Ur Rouf Mosque ›

Follow Dezeen on Pinterest

Pinterest is one of Dezeen's fastest-growing social media networks with over 1.4 million followers and more than ten million monthly views. Follow our Pinterest to see the latest architecture, interiors and design projects – there are over four hundred boards to browse and pin from.

Currently, our most popular boards are staircases and fashion.

The post Dezeen's Pinterest roundup features seven tranquil mosques appeared first on Dezeen.

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