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Four ways Kate Middleton will get ‘sweet revenge’ on Meghan Markle after Omid Scobie book bombshells

THEY haven’t spoken for four years, and with Omid Scobie’s explosive new book hitting shelves today, it’s unlikely Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle will patch things up anytime soon.

The royal biographer – dubbed Meghan’s mouthpiece – has made a number of jaw-dropping claims in Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy’s Fight for Survival’ , including that Kate was “cold” and “ignored” Meghan’s cries for help.

Fabulous spoke to Brand expert Denise Palmer-Davies, to get the low down on how Kate Middleton will get ‘revenge’ on Meghan Markle after book bombshells
Denise explained that not only does Kate have the public on her side, but she also has a close relationship with Sophie, William’s aunt, which is sure to be challenging for Meghan to deal with

He also claims that Kate “shivers” at the mere mention of Meghan’s name.

These scathing attacks come just months after Harry released his memoir Spare, where he released intimate details of the now infamous bridesmaid row between the pair and a disagreement over a shared lipgloss.

But it seems that Kate is getting her “revenge” in a subtle way, according to a brand expert.

Denise Palmer-Davies said: “Meghan chose to publicly humiliate Kate in front of millions, and there really is no sweeter revenge than Kate’s silence. 

“Kate doesn’t need to respond to the mud thrown at her, or any of the allegations in this new book by Meghan’s friend.”

She added: “The way Kate holds herself, her popularity among the public and within the royal family, and of course the fact she is the one spending Christmas at Sandringham, is her retribution really.

“And I think Meghan will be struggling to shake that.”

Here, we reveal the four ways Kate will get “sweet revenge” on Meghan.

1. The King has chosen Kate over Meghan

It was recently reported that the King didn’t want to make Christmas “awkward” for his eldest son and his wife by inviting Harry and Meghan to Sandringham this year.

And according to Denise, director of Borne Media, Meghan will find the snub particularly hard to take and will be “quietly seething” over the decision.

She said: “Meghan’s pals have said she never wants to step foot in England again, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to be invited.

“She loved that first Christmas she spent at Sandringham and said it was like ‘the big family she always wanted’ and how it was a day full of fun’.

Meghan’s pals have said she never wants to step foot in England again, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to be invited

Denise Palmer-DaviesBrand expert

“I would imagine she would be hurt and upset not to be included this year, even if she had no intention of going in the first place.

“Things seem to be improving between Harry and his father and we know Meghan spoke with him too on his birthday.

“Despite this, the fact Kate and William have been chosen above her, has got to hurt.

“In her eyes, it isn’t just William being put before his brother, but Kate is being picked over her once again.

“I’m sure her camp would say otherwise, but she would surely be quietly seething over that.”

2. Meghan would have to curtsy to Kate

As the direct heir to the throne, Prince William and his wife Kate are the most senior royals after the King and Queen Camilla

But the royal pecking order is something Meghan has always struggled with according to Sarah Hewson, royal editor of Talk TV.

She said: “There have always been comparisons made between the two women, and not in a healthy way.

“We know there’s no love lost between them, and that’s very clear from Harry’s book and various interviews, and what’s also clear is that Meghan wasn’t happy playing second fiddle.

“It certainly led to tensions between the two women. She didn’t want to curtsy to Kate or her brother in law and she didn’t want to be walking behind them. She felt they should have equal pilling.”

3. Kate has the public on her side

Kate’s popularity in the UK has continued to soar, and in a recent YouGov poll, she ranked second, behind the late Queen

William was third, while Meghan sat in 13th place in between her husband Prince Harry and his uncle Prince Andrew

Denise said: “For Meghan, throughout her career as an actress and now her place in society being married to a royal, coming second best just isn’t an option for her, yet it’s one she is left with little choice to endure. 

“The public has little sympathy for her. She has made her bed and now she must lie in it and accept that Kate, in the eyes of the majority of the public, is number one.”

The public has little sympathy for Meghan. She has made her bed and now she must lie in it

Denise Palmer-DaviesBrand expert

At this time of year, Kate’s popularity is further boosted by her annual Christmas Concert, which is broadcast on the BBC.

Now in its third year, she is expected to record ‘Together at Christmas, on December 8th and the audience will be linked to her work in early years education. 

“It is another example of the public getting behind her,” Denise adds.

“It’s always hugely successful but also something that she is really passionate about and means a lot to her.

“Meanwhile, it seems anything Meghan turns her hand to doesn’t have the same impact.

“Perhaps unfairly, but it’s all down to the public perception and as fickle as it sounds, and I’m sure Meghan has realised this, but if they are not your side, then you are out of favour.”

4. Camilla and Sophie are close to Kate

Meghan has admitted she has always wanted “a big family” but she seemingly blew any chance of that when she criticised the royal family during an interview with Oprah Winfrey.

In the 2021 interview, she accused a member of the family of being racist – though her pal Omid recently revealed in his new book EndGame that Meghan told Charles it was actually two relatives – and said the pressure of being in the family drove her to suicidal thoughts. 

She also accused Kate of making her cry ahead of her wedding.

In stark contrast, Kate enjoys a very close relationship with her in-laws, and in particular her mother in law Queen Camilla, and William’s aunt Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh.

“Meghan is an only child and she has made no secret of the fact that in those early months, she loved being part of Harry’s huge family,” Denise said.

“But of course that quickly changed, and now the pair have found themselves isolated. 

“Kate and Meghan share their in laws and it must be hard for her to see Kate have such a close bond with them, while she has no contact.”

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Omid Scobie’s new book Endgame is out today
Getty - Contributor
Denise Palmer-Davies claimed that Meghan will be seething that she isn’t invited to Sandringham this year[/caption]

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