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Greta Thunberg Caught on Video Going Full Anti-Semite, Chanting ‘Crush Zionism’: Report

When it comes to leftist extremists, Greta Thunberg keeps getting clearer.

The 20-year-old Swedish agitator and poster girl for perpetually adolescent progressives hasn’t been shy about grabbing headlines since bursting onto the world scene in her mid-teens.

First, she was anti-fossil fuels. Then she was anti-capitalism. Now, according to a report coming out of Stockholm, she’s a virulent anti-Semite, too.

In a way it’s fitting that the world’s newest cause of fearmongering is coalescing with the world’s oldest racial hatred: Both are are grounded in irrational emotion. Both claim to be operating for the good of humanity.

And both are inherently evil.

According to a social media post published by the Svenska Epoch Times (Swedish Epoch Times), Thunberg was part of a raucous crowd that gathered last week outside the Israeli Embassy in the Swedish capital, chanting “krossa sionismen” — “crush Zionism.”

The outlet also reported that Thunbererg attended another rally denouncing Israel in Stockholm last week — this one on Wednesday.

To be fair,  there’s only the Svenska Epoch Times report that Thunberg is the woman in the “crush Zionism” video.

The normally media-magnetic Thunberg apparently wasn’t a headliner at the event — unlike her usual, hectoring public appearances. She also hasn’t been written up for it by her slavishly adoring fans in the press.

And there’s been neither a confirmation nor a denial from the Thunberg camp nor her millions of social media-savvy acolytes. But her recent actions make it not only well within the realm of possibility but downright likely.

Two weeks after the barbarous massacre in southern Israel by Hamas terrorist marauders, with plenty of time to digest the news about the slaughtered civilians, the innocent women and children taken hostage, the women raped, Thunberg decided to add to her political portfolio not by supporting Israel, not even by issuing a carefully worded message deploring the deaths on both sides.

No, young Greta went full bore for the cause of the Palestinian terrorists, even linking it to  her own trademark “climate change” brand by declaring that “today we strike in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza.”

For good measure, she held a sign stating “Stand with Gaza,” to make the point, along with three other young women holding similar signs.

So, we know pretty clearly whose side Ms. Thunberg is taking in the war between the civilization of Israel and the barbarism of Hamas: The barbarians’ side, naturally.

We also know pretty well how the charming Greta feels about the state of Israel. At a Nov. 12 climate demonstration that she turned into a pro-Palestinian rally, she chanted, “No climate justice on occupied land.” Since Gaza is not “occupied” by Israel and hasn’t been since 2005, the logical conclusion is that she’s talking about the rest of the land that makes up the Jewish state.

(The fact that the rally included the now-standard anti-Semitic chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” bears this out.)

So, let’s posit that the video does in fact show Thunberg joining what amounts to a murderous chant outside the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm.

It’s not at all shocking that the extreme leftism of the climate doomsayers would match up seamlessly with the anti-Semitism of the modern left.

The most savagely anti-Semitic regime of the 20th century was, of course, Nazi Germany — a government wrongly considered right-wing when the word “socialism” part of the Nazi Party’s official name.

Hitler even made common cause with the Islamists of his day.

That’s followed by the Soviet Union — the communist regime that turned Russia and Eastern Europe behind the Iron Curtain into an open-air prison for its own people — but especially the Jews.

The Soviet Union also supported Palestinian terrorism during the Cold War while the United States has been a firm friend of Israel.

The Nazis and the Soviets have deservedly been left in the dustbin of history — the first by losing a world war, the second by losing a Cold War, but the leftist baton has been passed.

The totalitarianism the Soviets and the Nazis sought to achieve by force is still being pursued, now under the guise of climate alarmism.

Then as now, the totalitarians are leftist. Then, as now, the totalitarians hate Jews.

Greta Thunberg is the leftists’ champion now. But she, and they, are headed for the dustbin of history, too.

The young woman’s fascist priorities have been clear for some time now, but they keep getting clearer all the time.

Her followers have to know that, too.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Greta Thunberg Caught on Video Going Full Anti-Semite, Chanting ‘Crush Zionism’: Report appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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