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Who is Nigel Farage’s ‘girlfriend’ Laure Ferrari?

NIGEL Farage is best known for his political career, but not too much is known about his private life.

However, it has been rumoured for the last few years that he is in a relationship with French politician Laure Ferrari.

Laure Ferrari is in a relationship with Nigel Farage

Who is Laure Ferrari?

Laure Ferrari is a French politician who ran the think-tank Institute for Direct Democracy in Europe (IDDE).

Nigel and her are said to have become good friends after meeting in 2007 when Ferrari was a waitress.

Later she worked with Farrage in the European Parliament.

The think-tank was accused of breaking rules by diverting public money to UKIP when Farage was its leader.

The party went under investigation by the Electoral Commission watchdog for allegedly taking a total of £400,000 in dodgy donations from the think-tank and an affiliated political alliance, ahead of the General Election and the EU referendum.

Amid these accusations, the pair were seen having a drink together at a London pub.

Farage has continually denied claims of a romantic relationship, telling one newspaper: “She is someone I have worked with and known for a long time who wanted somewhere to stay for a week that wouldn’t cost her any money.

“It’s a working relationship. You can inflate it however you want to.”

The Sun exclusively revealed that Laure branded English women “drunken tarts” in an email rant.

She hit out at British women “with a very short dress, tart-looking, drinking massively who vomits in the street and then leave with the first man to pick them up”.

Are Laure Ferrari and Nigel Farage in a relationship?

It has been rumoured since 2017 that Laure and Farage are in a relationship and it looks like it’s set to be confirmed.

As Farage takes part in the 2023 series of I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!, Laure is due to fly out to Australia to meet him when he leaves the show.

The visit will confirm their six-year relationship.

A source said: “Nigel and Laure have been linked for years, ever since she first moved into his house in Chelsea and was seen taking the bins out.

“Nigel has never confirmed the nature of their relationship and is incredibly private about his family life but there was a feeling if there was ever a time to open that door, it was now.

“It felt like a huge step for Matt Hancock to invite his controversial girlfriend Gina Coladangelo out to Oz last year but the move proved to be a PR masterclass and somewhat helped towards his redemption after their lockdown-busting affair.

“Of course plans can change but at this stage Laure is booked to fly out.”

However, before this, the pair have chosen to keep their relationship on the down-low, never actually confirming whether they were an item or not.

When Laure was first pictured in February 2017 at Farage’s £4 million Georgian home, he dismissed the idea of a relationship as “crackers” as he had just announced the separation from his wife of 18 years, Kirsten.

Is Nigel Farage still married to Kirsten Farage?

Farage married German-born Kirsten in 1999 after his divorce from his first spouse.

The pair have two children together – with Farage apparently splitting his time between the Kent family home and his London pad.

But Mr Farage’s wife said the pair had been living “separate lives” for years before their split.

She said at the time: “My husband and I have lived separate lives for some years and he moved out of the family home a while ago.

“This is a situation that suits everyone and is not news to any of the people involved.”

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