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Gold, Faith, and Financial Freedom — How A Faith-Based Company Is Transforming Retirement Portfolios

Note: The information provided here or in any related communications is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. We do not provide personalized investment, financial, or legal advice. Gateway Pundit benefits from purchases made through our sponsors.

There is an old saying: “an ounce of gold can buy a good men’s suit.”

That was said back when an ounce of gold was worth only $35.

It’s been 100 years since then, and, well… at $2,000 an ounce, you can still buy a great suit.

Throughout all the wars and pandemics and uncertainty… an ounce of gold could still buy a good suit.

That’s why some consider precious metals one of the best ways to store value.

Now, with inflation hitting high levels for years, a lot of people are considering gold for their portfolios again.

The Fed has printed trillions of dollars in just a few short years. Taxes are going up. And the government is busy funneling half its budget into the military industrial complex.

As a result, the US dollar has lost value.

What we need is to return to our American roots backed by gold and faith.

When Genesis Gold Group was first created, co-founder Jonathan Rose took these same ideas and built a thriving company. And not only did Genesis rise in the cutthroat precious metals industry, but they did so with spiritual guidance.

“If we are going to live up to our namesake, we have to be truly driven by Biblical principles… not only as individuals but as a company,” Rose said.

With the overall need for gold to hedge against inflation and years of experience in the industry, they were well-positioned for success. But that wasn’t good enough…

So they hired David Holland as Director of Philanthropy.

“As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I firmly believe good stewardship of a believer’s resources is important and a foundation for a close walk with Him,” Holland said. “It is not difficult to see, based on the lack of biblical values in both our government and financial system, that we are swiftly heading into unstable times.”

And that’s not all. Such a competitive industry demands extraordinary practices to succeed. But there are two paths a company can take…

A company could use shrewd marketing tactics…

It could cross ethical lines with high-pressure sales and psychological manipulation…

And take advantage of people’s weaknesses, like “Big Gold” does today.

Or they can take the virtuous path and help the little guy win, like Genesis Gold Group does:

“The process appears to be the same from one gold company to another but there’s a huge gap between how secular gold companies do business versus how we do it,” Rose said. “We guide our clients to back their retirement accounts with metals that are priced right and have the greatest opportunity for growth. Most gold companies look only at their own margins when filling their customers’ depositories.”

Click here to reserve your appointment with Genesis Gold today.

Instead of using tricks to get customers on the hook, then punishing them with huge spreads, Genesis Gold Group chooses to educate and serve.

“We believe in two things,” Rose said. “We serve God and we serve our customers. We may not be willing to buy a paid recommendation from a Fox News host or former popular politician, but our real world customer testimonials tell the true story of Genesis Gold Group.”

Read what people say who have worked with Genesis:

“With the downward turn in the market, I have been wanting to transfer my IRA to gold/precious metals. I am so happy that I came across Genesis Gold Group. They made the process seamless . . . They have knowledge, care, and patience with newbies, like me. They kept me informed along the way and reached out several times to see if I had any questions or concerns. I highly recommend them to anyone interested in investing in precious metals.”

“They made it so easy to transfer part of the funds out of my company 401K to set up a precious metals IRA. Everyone I’ve dealt with there is friendly and knowledgeable.”

“The people at Genesis Gold Group have been very helpful to get my 401k from stocks and bonds to silver coins on deposit. They are patient and explained each step and answered my numerous questions along the way.”

Hearing from customers drives Rose and his team to continue to believe in their mission.

“We hope we can change the industry, which is busy taking advantage of Americans without taking the time to appreciate the consequences,” Rose said. “But even if we can’t change other gold companies, we can definitely change the lives of people who put their trust in our services. Knowing that is more than enough for us to keep fighting the good fight.”

Contact Genesis Gold Group today and receive a free Definitive Gold Guide to protect your life savings from the threats we face tomorrow.

The post Gold, Faith, and Financial Freedom — How A Faith-Based Company Is Transforming Retirement Portfolios appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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