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Ombudswoman: one in three women globally experience violence

Ombudswoman Maria Stylianou-Lottides on Saturday released a statement marking the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, underlining how many women around the world are the subject of abuse.

Specifically, she noted that approximately 736 million women, nearly one in three globally, have experienced physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner, non-partner sexual violence, or both, at least once in their lives.

She pointed out that legislative and regulatory gaps and deficiencies persist in Cyprus, despite several new laws and policies aimed at improving gender equality on the island.

These gaps concern the collection and utilisation of statistical data, cooperation among all involved services, professional training, and the integration of gender as a factor into all matters affecting women.

Stylianou-Lottides further noted that more than four out of five women and girls (86 per cent) live in countries without strong legal protection or in countries lacking readily available data.

She emphasised that violence remains largely unreported due to impunity, silence, stigma, and the surrounding shame that women may be subjected to.

“November 25, established by the United Nations as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, reminds us each year of our obligation, as a state, to remain vigilant regarding violence against women, a phenomenon that unfortunately continues to constitute one of the most widespread and pervasive violations of women and girls’ human rights,” emphasised the ombudswoman.

She stressed that “further commitments must be made to prevent and end gender-based violence, with the ultimate goal of achieving substantive gender equality, which is also one of the Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030) of the United Nations, as well as the meaningful fulfilment of the human rights of women and girls,” she added.

Moreover, she explained that “in Cyprus, it is very positive that in recent years, a significant number of legislations and other policies aimed at enhancing gender equality have been adopted, such as the Law for the Prevention and Combating of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence in 2021.”

To address the existing gaps, Stylianou-Lottides spoke of the need for intensified efforts to combat stereotypes that perpetuate the phenomenon, to ensure women’s rights so that they can seek support securely, receive adequate information and psychological support, as well as social, police, and judicial protection.

In a separate statement, the justice ministry said that Cyprus has implemented strong legislation securing women’s rights, aiming at victim-centred policies, while also noting it aims to train healthcare workers and enforce comprehensive strategies for violence prevention.

Additionally, legal facilitation and a unified database for gender-based violence statistics are underway.

The global impact and devastating effects of violence against women were stressed during a press conference by Justice Minister Anna Procopiou.

“Gender-based violence undermines fundamental human rights and freedoms, exacerbating existing inequalities and discriminations against women,” the justice minister said.

“Moreover, it obstructs achieving equal and cohesive progress across all aspects of life,” she added, noting that “violence against women covers a wide spectrum of abuse, from physical, psychological, economic, and online violence to femicide”.

“What needs to be immediately pursued, the ministry’s statement continued, “is the development of every possible collaboration and cooperation with all relevant governmental and non-governmental entities, so that the new legislations and tools at our disposal can be fully utilised and implemented without delay”.

Meanwhile, Gender Equality Commissioner Josie Christodoulou underscored the persistent violations of women and girls’ rights across various spheres of life, emphasising the global scourge of violence – economic, sexual, physical, and psychological – against women.

Christodoulou highlighted the alarming use of women and girls as tools in war and terrorism, describing femicide as the most extreme manifestation of gender-based violence.

Additionally, she stressed the day’s significance for countless women and girls experiencing violence daily, urging collective awareness and action.

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