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If you can spot the mouse hiding among the squirrels in under 20 seconds, you’ve got the eyes of a hawk

A MINDBOGGLING new brainteaser has infuriated even the most skilled puzzlers.

Can you spot the mouse hiding among the large group of squirrels?

Dudolf has challenged the internet to spot the mouse hiding among a group of squirrels[/caption]

The seek-and-find challenge was designed by Hungarian cartoonist Gergely Dudás, who is better known as Dudolf.

He has racked up over 168,000 followers on Facebook, where he routinely shares his mind-bending artwork.

He illustrated the squirrels with quirky facial expressions and holding random items such as acorns and fruit to distract puzzlers from their search for the mouse.

You have the eyes of a hawk if you’re able to spot the mouse in less than 20 seconds.

Set a timer to put your observation skills to the test and try not to overlook any important clues.

Many people have admitted they were stumped by the brainteaser and had to look at the solution to find the mouse. 

“Oh no, I did not find him [sad face] but loved trying to find him!” one person wrote on Facebook.

“I usually find them pretty quick but that squirrel with the teeth is so cute it had me distracted,” another commented.

“I can’t believe I couldn’t find it. Geez. I think that big, teeth smile threw me off. Lol,” a third chimed in.

“I love all the extra details like top hats and big toothy smiles. So creative! I always look forward to your next designs!” a fourth said.

“This one was really hard! But I found it. My favorite is the one with the biiig grin!” another added. 

The baffling brainteaser requires strategic thinking to solve it before the time runs out.

Do you think you’ve already spotted the mouse?

Here’s a hint: Try taking a closer look at the shape of the squirrels’ ears.

If you still can’t find the mouse hiding among the squirrels in the busy brainteaser, scroll down for the solution below.

The mouse can be spotted toward the top right of the busy scene[/caption]

The optical illusion comes after Dudolf shared a Thanksgiving-themed challenge to mark the holidays.

You likely have a very high IQ if you can spot the pumpkin hiding among the turkeys in less than 10 seconds.

He used intricate shapes and colors to distract the mind while adding quirky features to the turkeys such as hats and scarves.

The ability to focus on even the smallest details is needed to successfully solve the brainteaser.

Many people have admitted they were unable to spot the pumpkin without going over the time limit and even considered giving up their search.

Gergely Dudolf
Dudolf challenged the internet to spot the pumpkin hiding among the Thanksgiving turkeys[/caption]

“It was not easy to find, but in the meantime, I enjoyed looking at all the turkeys wearing top hats, scarves, etc…and one extremely cool-looking turkey in sunglasses,” one person commented.

“I had to use the solution to find the pumpkin. The turkeys are so funny! I love the one with the sunglasses. Thank you for another unique puzzle, Gergely,” another wrote. 

If you’re struggling to find the pumpkin in the optical illusion try taking a closer look at the bottom right of the image.

If you still can’t find the pumpkin in the chaotic challenge scroll down for the solution below.

Gergely Dudolf
The pumpkin can be spotted hiding behind the feathers of turkeys towards the bottom right of the image[/caption]

If those two seek-and-find puzzles were too easy, try a third brainteaser that puts observation skills to the ultimate test.

Can you spot the scarf hidden among colorful fallen leaves and pumpkins?

Women’s fashion retailer Quiz designed the challenge to celebrate the season of cozy nights in, pumpkin spice latte, and comfy knitwear.

The brand claims two in five people have given up on the puzzle after struggling to solve it.

Women’s fashion retailer Quiz challenged the internet to spot the scarf among the fall leaves[/caption]

You will need immense focus to avoid getting distracted by all the small details as you search for the scarf hidden in plain sight.

Do you think you’ve already found the scarf?

Here’s a hint: The scarf is perhaps the only item in the image that doesn’t have round edges.

If you still can’t spot the fall wardrobe staple in the busy autumnal scene scroll down for the solution.

The scarf can be seen hiding in plain sight towards the center of the brainteaser[/caption]

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