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Nicola Bulley sleuth Peter Faulding ‘caused unwarranted distress’ in search for missing mum after ‘false alarm’

A DIVE “expert” has been slammed in a report after he gave Nicola Bulley’s family false hope when he was drafted in to help the search.

Peter Faulding claimed Lancashire Police had “low-level” diving equipment as they desperately hunted for the missing mum.

Nicola’s body was found three weeks after she vanished while walking her dog[/caption]
Peter Faulding’s role in the search has been examined in a new report[/caption]

Nicola’s family then contacted his Specialist Group International (SGI) company and the police to draft him in to help with the search.

A report into the police’s handling of the case has today been published, with Mr Faulding’s role also examined.

It found Lancashire Police felt some of his behaviour and activities “caused challenges to the investigation”.

Although police were wary of using Mr Faulding, they feared a negative response so gave permission for him to carry out a search.

But Mr Faulding informed Nicola’s family he had identified a “body deposition site”, which police later said caused unwarranted distress and false alarm.

The expert later said Nicola was “categorically not” in the water where the force repeatedly said she fell in.

After her body was discovered, Mr Faulding claimed he was “not tasked to search the reeds”.

The review, led by the College of Policing, found police investigators had been advised SGI did not have any better equipment than their own.

But communication from a family friend expressed a “strong message that refusal to use the team ” would result in a “negative press release to the media”.

The report said the force felt it was placed in an unenviable situation so they therefore invited Mr Faulding to carry out a sonar search.

As a result, The Sun and other publications quoted him as he was presented as a legitimate expert helping the search.

The report said: “It is the view of Lancashire Constabulary that Mr Faulding had a significant impact on the investigation and public confidence through his activities and his engagement with the media.

“The review team considers that some of his actions created a more challenging environment for the investigation team.

“His public statements often contradicted the investigative and operational approach, leading to confusion for the public and reducing the family’s trust in the investigation and search operation.”

The 143-page report put forward 17 recommendations as it criticised the force for “insufficient focus” and errors of judgement.

It found the disclosure of personal details about Nicola’s life was “avoidable and unnecessary”.

The force sparked fury when it revealed information about Nicola’s struggle with alcohol and the perimenopause.

Chief Constable Andy Marsh, who leads the College of Policing, said: “Throughout our work we have had Nicola’s family and friends in our thoughts.

“The purpose of the review was not to attribute blame but identify areas of learning for the constabulary and wider policing.

“The decision to not call the investigation a critical incident, despite it meeting the national definition, set the tone within the constabulary and led to several challenges.

“The most notable of these was the way the constabulary released personal information about Nicola which was avoidable and unnecessary.

“While we have not shied away from criticism, there are also many areas of Lancashire Constabulary’s response that should be commended, including an exemplary investigation and a well-conducted search.

“At the heart of the investigation was Nicola. I am left in no doubt that she and her family were foremost in the minds of officers and staff throughout the search.”

Nicola’s disappearance gripped the nation after it was revealed her mobile was found on a bench by the river still connected to a work conference call.

Her pet springer spaniel Willow was also discovered – but there was no trace still of the mum-of-two.

The case saw the tiny village of St Michael’s on Wyre flooded with amateur sleuths all desperate to solve the mystery.

Front gardens were trampled on by social media ghouls and family and friends targeted as rumours reached fever pitch.

An inquest in the summer ruled Nicola’s death was an accident after she fell in the water and suffered “cold water shock”.

Mr Faulding, pictured with Nicola’s partner Paul, claimed she was not in the river[/caption]
The mum had disappeared in January this year[/caption]

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