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I went crystal shopping with my neighbor & now we’re in a 4-way polyamorous relationship – people judge us but it’s love

A POLYAMOROUS woman has revealed the ins and outs of her four-way relationship, saying she couldn’t be happier – despite what society may think of the unusual set-up.

Abbie Lill has been together with her boyfriend Elijah, 38, for five years but also has a two-year long relationship with girlfriend, Emily, 39, and her husband J, 32.

Jam Press/@glitteringfiesta
Abbie Lill (second from right) has revealed the ins and outs of her four-way, polyamorous relationship[/caption]
Jam Press/@glitteringfiesta
Abbie (right) and Emily (left) are in a relationship together, but also with two other men[/caption]
Jam Press/@glitteringfiesta
The two couples met as neighbors[/caption]

The second man in the relationship, J, is considered Abbie’s metamour, also known as partner of your partner.

The 28-year-old started dating her first partner in 2018 and on their first date told him that she was bisexual and not ready to commit to a monogamous relationship with a man.

Elijah took the news well and had no issue with Abbie continuing to explore her queer identity.

“We set a standard from the very beginning that anything and everything is fine, as long as we talk about things together first,” Abbie, a barista from Los Angeles, told NTK.

“We decided that if we wanted to see other people, we would both be open to it as long as everything was on the table and there was no deception involved.

“In the early days when we were first developing our relationship, we put most of our efforts there.”

Two years into their relationship, the couple moved into their first home, which led them to meet their new neighbors, Emily and J.

“We all got to know each other as friends pretty quickly, and a few months later, Emily and I went out crystal shopping together,” she shared.

She continued: “That was the first time we spoke deeper, we talked about our relationships, our histories, our sexualities, our journeys of coming out as both bisexuals.

“She brought up monogamy, I explained Elijah and I’s stance, and then she admitted her feelings to me. [sic]

“She told me that she and J were non-monogamous but were also waiting for the right person.

“Emily very sweetly and very openly shared her heart and asked if I was interested in pursuing anything.

“Apparently I was missing her flirting attempts!”

Elijah was out of town at the time but as soon as he got home, Abbie spoke to him and they agreed to give things a go – but take it slow.

She said: “Emily and I took a couple of weeks talking more and getting to know each other more in that way, but we waited to have our first kiss or anything more until both of us and both of our partners were ready to take that step.

“We told each other I love you about a month in and things have just been growing and getting better every day!

“I didn’t know a relationship could feel so secure.

“When Emily and I were first starting our relationship, I was surprised to feel like my love for Elijah was growing at the same time as my love for Emily.

“I’ve really learned deep in my soul how possible it is to love two people at once.”

Emily’s husband J is also Abbie’s metamour and their relationship is purely platonic.

She said: “Me and J get along so well.

“We also communicate well and that is so, so important to me.

“These people are my family.”

In terms of sharing the news with friends and family, Abbie has received mixed reactions.

Abbie said: “All of my close friends were immediately accepting and excited to meet my new girlfriend.

“My parents on the other hand… it was a difficult time.

“My grandmother passed away less than a month after coming out to my mum and that threw a huge curveball our way.

“No one handled the situation well.

“We went a couple months without talking, which was truly awful as we were all grieving a giant loss.

“A year and a half later and things are better but not like they were before.

“We are still working to heal our relationship, which I am holding out hope that we can do.

“They love Elijah and have loved and accepted him from very early on in our relationship, as soon as they saw how good he was to me and how happy he makes me.

“I hope that someday they can extend the same respect to my second relationship.”

Abbie has also had to deal with opinions and comments from strangers and colleagues.

She said: “On my first day back at work after the quarantine, one of my old coworkers asked me what was new, so I said I have a girlfriend and am polyamorous.

“Then, I heard and saw a middle aged man say ‘this is why I’ve got to get my kids out of California’ – how extreme!

“Living [where we do], we don’t get a lot of in-person negative attention.

“Emily and I feel safe as a queer couple out in LA, and we tend to hang in queer-friendly spaces.

“I often use they/them pronouns [at work] if I’m talking about my partner because I don’t want to identify which one I’m talking about.

“To begin with, telling people I was polyamorous was a very strange experience and I had to learn to thicken my skin if my goal is to normalise polyamory and be seen by people outside of the community.

“I get random negative comments online but that’s usually the worst of it.

“It astounds me how people can so confidently spew vile hatred at random strangers on the internet, but hey, that’s the age we live in and I’m learning to accept it.”

Abbie’s dream is to build a house for her, Elijah, Emily, and J, so they can live their polyamorous life together.

She added: “Even when I didn’t have the words for it [polyamory], monogamy didn’t sit right with me.

“My dream is to buy a house between all four of us with at least three bedrooms, giving each couple a room.

“That is the loose plan for the future, but who knows where life will take us.

“None of us want children and we all came to that decision individually.

“At this point we kind of check in every now and again to make sure everyone is on the same page, but I’m very confident nothing will change that.”

Jam Press/@glitteringfiesta
Abbie (right) says her love for Elijah (left) was growing at the same time as her love for Emily[/caption]
Jam Press/@glitteringfiesta
The polyamorous couple’s dream is to buy a house with at least three bedrooms[/caption]
Jam Press/@glitteringfiesta
‘None of us want children and we all came to that decision individually,’ she said[/caption]

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