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Air Force’s new nuclear stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider, takes first test flight

  • Air Force spokesperson press release: “The B-21 Raider is in flight testing from Palmdale airport Friday CA/USA, Nov 10, 2023. Flight testing is a critical step in the test campaign managed by the Air Force Test Center and 412th Test Wing’s B-21 Combined Test Force to provide survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the United States, allies, and partners.”(Photo by Gene Blevins/Contributing Photographer)

  • Air Force spokesperson press release: “The B-21 Raider is in flight testing from Palmdale airport Friday CA/USA, Nov 10, 2023. Flight testing is a critical step in the test campaign managed by the Air Force Test Center and 412th Test Wing’s B-21 Combined Test Force to provide survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the United States, allies, and partners.”(Photo by Gene Blevins/Contributing Photographer)

  • Air Force spokesperson press release: “The B-21 Raider is in flight testing from Palmdale airport Friday CA/USA, Nov 10, 2023. Flight testing is a critical step in the test campaign managed by the Air Force Test Center and 412th Test Wing’s B-21 Combined Test Force to provide survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the United States, allies, and partners.”(Photo by Gene Blevins/Contributing Photographer)

  • Air Force spokesperson press release: “The B-21 Raider is in flight testing from Palmdale airport Friday CA/USA, Nov 10, 2023. Flight testing is a critical step in the test campaign managed by the Air Force Test Center and 412th Test Wing’s B-21 Combined Test Force to provide survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the United States, allies, and partners.”(Photo by Gene Blevins/Contributing Photographer)

  • Air Force spokesperson press release: “The B-21 Raider is in flight testing from Palmdale airport Friday CA/USA, Nov 10, 2023. Flight testing is a critical step in the test campaign managed by the Air Force Test Center and 412th Test Wing’s B-21 Combined Test Force to provide survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the United States, allies, and partners.”(Photo by Gene Blevins/Contributing Photographer)

  • Air Force spokesperson press release: “The B-21 Raider is in flight testing from Palmdale airport Friday CA/USA, Nov 10, 2023. Flight testing is a critical step in the test campaign managed by the Air Force Test Center and 412th Test Wing’s B-21 Combined Test Force to provide survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the United States, allies, and partners.”(Photo by Gene Blevins/Contributing Photographer)

  • Air Force spokesperson press release: “The B-21 Raider is in flight testing from Palmdale airport Friday CA/USA, Nov 10, 2023. Flight testing is a critical step in the test campaign managed by the Air Force Test Center and 412th Test Wing’s B-21 Combined Test Force to provide survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the United States, allies, and partners.”(Photo by Gene Blevins/Contributing Photographer)

  • Air Force spokesperson press release: “The B-21 Raider is in flight testing from Palmdale airport Friday CA/USA, Nov 10, 2023. Flight testing is a critical step in the test campaign managed by the Air Force Test Center and 412th Test Wing’s B-21 Combined Test Force to provide survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the United States, allies, and partners.”(Photo by Gene Blevins/Contributing Photographer)

  • Air Force spokesperson press release: “The B-21 Raider is escorted by a F-16 jet in its first flight testing from Palmdale airport Friday CA/USA, Nov 10, 2023. Flight testing is a critical step in the test campaign managed by the Air Force Test Center and 412th Test Wing’s B-21 Combined Test Force to provide survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the United States, allies, and partners.”(Photo by Gene Blevins/Contributing Photographer)

  • Air Force spokesperson press release: “The B-21 Raider taxi’s out to the runway in flight testing from Palmdale airport Friday CA/USA, Nov 10, 2023. Flight testing is a critical step in the test campaign managed by the Air Force Test Center and 412th Test Wing’s B-21 Combined Test Force to provide survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the United States, allies, and partners.”(Photo by Gene Blevins/Contributing Photographer)

  • Air Force spokesperson press release: “The B-21 Raider flys over a crowed in its first flight testing from Palmdale airport Friday CA/USA, Nov 10, 2023. Flight testing is a critical step in the test campaign managed by the Air Force Test Center and 412th Test Wing’s B-21 Combined Test Force to provide survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the United States, allies, and partners.”(Photo by Gene Blevins/Contributing Photographer)

  • Air Force spokesperson press release: “The B-21 Raider is in flight testing from Palmdale airport Friday CA/USA, Nov 10, 2023. Flight testing is a critical step in the test campaign managed by the Air Force Test Center and 412th Test Wing’s B-21 Combined Test Force to provide survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the United States, allies, and partners.”(Photo by Gene Blevins/Contributing Photographer)



By TARA COPP | Associated Press 

PALMDALE — The B-21 Raider took its first test flight on Friday, Nov. 10, moving the futuristic warplane closer to becoming the nation’s next nuclear weapons stealth bomber.

The Raider flew in Palmdale, where it has been under testing and development by Northrop Grumman.

The Air Force is planning to build 100 of the warplanes, which have a flying wing shape much like their predecessor the B-2 Spirit but will incorporate advanced materials, propulsion and stealth technology to make them more survivable in a future conflict. The plane is planned to be produced in variants with and without pilots.

“The B-21 Raider is in flight testing,” Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said.

Such testing is a critical step in the campaign to provide “survivable, long-range, penetrating strike capabilities to deter aggression and strategic attacks against the United States, allies, and partners,” Stefanek said.

The B-21 Raider is the first new American bomber aircraft in more than 30 years, and almost every aspect of the program is classified. Both Northrop Grumman and the Air Force have tried to protect the program’s details to prevent China from gaining access to the weapon’s technology and building a similar version, as it has with other U.S. advanced weapons systems like the F-35 joint strike fighter.

The B-21 is part of the Pentagon’s efforts to modernize all three legs of its nuclear triad, which includes silo-launched nuclear ballistic missiles and submarine-launched warheads, as it invests in new weapons to meet China’s rapid military modernization.

Northrop Grumman Corp. is based in Falls Church, Virginia.

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