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Inside Nigel Farage’s car collection from Volvo to Range Rover as politician heads into jungle for I’m A Celeb

NIGEL Farage has had something of a turbulent time with cars over the years but he won’t need one where he’s going next.

The former UKIP leader, 59, won’t be driving any comfy vehicle while he’s enduring the Bushtucker Trials on ITV’s I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!

Ray Collins - The Sun
Nigel Farage’s car of choice is a Volvo estate[/caption]
The former UKIP leader has had a few run-ins with cars over the years
Getty Images - Getty

His appearance fee, rumoured to be as much as £1million will no doubt come in handy as the politico has often claimed he’s skint nowadays.

On November 25, 1985, he was involved in a serious accident when he was hit by a car as he left Orpington station on foot to go home, having had a few drinks in the afternoon.

He was tossed into the air and landed on his head and also damaging his lower left leg which was so badly injured he came close to losing it.

Range Rover

He was also involved in another car accident in May 2019.

Farage was being chauffeured in his Range Rover to a Brexit Party event in Kent when the car collided head on with a Jaguar on a narrow country lane.

Patrick Tranter, who was driving the Jag, claimed at the time that the then MEP had quickly left without checking to see if anyone was hurt.

This though was disputed by Farage.

The Brexit Party confirmed in a statement that Mr Farage was a passenger in the Range Rover at the time of the collision.

A spokesperson said: “After ensuring that nobody was seriously hurt, and following the advice of his security team, Nigel discreetly withdrew from the scene.

“He continued, by cab, on his journey to Peterborough where he was due to introduce the Brexit Party’s by-election candidate at a press event.

“However, Nigel’s driver remained with the vehicle at all times until the police arrived and details were exchanged.”

The driver of the Range Rover called the police and ambulance.


While Farage may have been behind the wheel of some flash motors in the past, his real love when it comes to cars is a Volvo and in particular an estate.

He’s particularly fond of these because he is a keen angler and the boot is big enough to get all his fishing gear in.

Farage used to drive around in an old k reg Volvo for years before upgrading to a V70 under a scrappage scheme.

According to an RAC review, the car is “roomy, durable, well screwed together and priced towards the premium end of the market, this is a car for those who treat their cars well and in return expect trouble free motoring.”

It adds: “It’s a car with no hidden surprises, no stings in the tail, and for the target customer, that’s very good news indeed.”

He has also been involved in some hassles with this car as well.

In October 2015, French police suspected foul play after a wheel on his Volvo came off while he was driving on a motorway.

He claimed the nuts on all of the wheels of his V70 were found to be loose after the “frightening” crash on a road near Dunkirk, France.

Farage said he was forced to stop after losing control on the motorway, fleeing the car and darting over a barrier to avoid oncoming traffic.

He said at the time: He said: “The French police said that sometimes nuts on one wheel can come a bit loose – but not on all four.

“The French police and mechanics looked at it but I have made no formal complaint. The mechanics were absolutely certain of [foul play] but I have decided to take no further action.”

During a petrol shortage in September 2021 his car was hit at a roundabout while he was trying to find a petrol station that was open.

The Brexit campaigner said on Twitter at the time: “The government tells us the fuel crisis is easing…I went to 7 petrol stations this morning and there was no fuel at any of them.

“Was then hit by a van whilst stationary at a roundabout. Great start to the day!”

Fortunately, it appeared no one was injured.

Farage is also yet to be swayed by the arguments for switching to electric cars, telling his GB News audience in January this year that there was “a lot more work to be done” by 2035.

The Sun Online has contacted Nigel Farage for comment.

SWNS:South West News Service
Farage’s Range Rover was involved in a head-on collision in May 2019[/caption]

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