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Cenotaph under 24/7 police guard and protesters banned from central London amid fears of violent Remembrance Day clashes

A MASSIVE 24/7 ring of steel will protect the Cenotaph amid fears of violent clashes at pro-Palestinian protests on Armistice Day.

Scotland Yard said protesters will be “effectively banned” from going anywhere near Remembrance events at the war memorial.

Cover Images
The Cenotaph will be surrounded by a ring of steel[/caption]
Police have ‘effectively banned’ protesters from the memorial[/caption]

The Cenotaph will be protected by metal barriers and officers working around the clock until Remembrance events are over on Sunday.

The Met said: “To protect national remembrance events and locations, particularly the Cenotaph, an exclusion zone will be put in place.

“It will cover Whitehall, Horse Guards Parade, the Westminster Abbey Field of Remembrance and other relevant areas, in effect banning those on the march from these locations.

“Anyone believed to be part of, or associated with, the pro-Palestinian demonstration trying to assemble in this area can be arrested.

“There will be metal barriers and officers in place to protect it.

“The Cenotaph will have a dedicated 24 hour police presence which began on Thursday and will remain in place until the conclusion of remembrance events on Sunday.

“Officers will be preventing anyone from approaching or interfering with the Cenotaph in any way.”

Protesters have also been banned from the US embassy in Nine Elms and the Israeli embassy in High Street Kensington.

A dispersal order is in place for any smaller groups causing disorder in Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly Circus.

Cops have also been given special search powers in Westminster and parts of Wandsworth and Lambeth, in response to concerns there could be a counter-protest involving far-right groups and football hooligans.

The powers allow them to search anyone in the area for weapons and make them take off face coverings.

Specialist officers in cars and motorbikes will track hate convoys planning to “pass through Jewish communities waving flags and shouting anti-Semitic abuse”.

Police will “intervene as they approach” to stop the convoys terrorising Jewish communities in and around London.

More than 1,000 cops from across the UK have been drafted into London amid fears of violent clashes.

They will join around 2,000 Met officers policing a pro-Palestine march through central London after Saturday’s two-minute silence.

The reinforcements from the counties under mutual aid arrangements follows intelligence that breakaway groups could try to provoke trouble.

There will be an extra 778 regional cops on duty in the capital on Saturday and 288 on Sunday.

Chief Constable Chris Haward, leading the police response to the trouble arising from conflict in Gaza, said more than 100,000 protestors could be heading for the capital.

But he said it was impossible to ban the march because the threat of serious violence had to be proved under the law.

He added that even if a march was barred, police would still not be able to stop a huge crowd gathering in one place.

“You will still expect to have 100,000 people, maybe more, turning up who will then be in a static position,” he said.

Mr Haward added: “The threshold (for a ban) is extremely high. It is about serious violence, and not about the words that might be chanted.”

Gavin Stephens, chairman of the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), stressed that protests outside the capital since the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas have been “largely peaceful.”

Just eight arrests were made at 67 protests across the country between November 2 and 5.

However, 29 people were arrested over the central London protest last weekend.

Fireworks were thrown at cops and crowds chanted anti-Israel slogans.

He defended Met commissioner Sir Mark Rowley’s right to allow the Armistice Day march in the face of opposition from the Government.

Mr Stephens said: “In policing we need the space to make difficult operational decisions in an independent manner.

“That space is set out very clearly in law in the Policing Protocol Order which was refreshed earlier this year.

“The decisions that we take are not easy ones, but we do so impartially, without fear or favour, and in line with both the law and our authorised professional practice.”

And Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has warned that Sir Mark would be accountable for maintaining order over the weekend.

Mr Stephens said it is “really important that the public debate doesn’t feature in our operational decision making.”

He said it would “fundamentally undermine” how policing works in the UK.

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