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This Veterans Day, don’t forget the struggles of those who served

Service members attend a Veteran’s Day breakfast celebration at Gracie Mansion in New York City.

Michael M. Santiago/Getty

On Nov. 11, 1917, World War I ended and what would become Veterans Day was born. Called at the time “the war to end all wars,” many thought the brutality of modern conflict would turn nations away from fighting towards a lasting peace.

What followed was over a century of Americans called to serve across the globe both in peace and battle. 

Many veterans have seen war. All joined knowing they may be called upon to risk their lives for our American ideals: freedom, justice and democracy.

They have left their families, missed the births of their children and in too many cases, made the ultimate sacrifice.

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For many, Veterans Day is a moment to honor the missing, the fallen and those who returned home forever changed by their experiences. For others, it’s an opportunity to thank those who are still with us, those who returned to civilian life carrying their experiences and memories in silence.

But there is another aspect of Veterans Day that is equally important. It’s a time to raise awareness and reaffirm our commitment towards addressing the unique struggles veterans face. 

Over 18 million American veterans are alive today, including more than a half a million in Illinois. For many, the transition from military to civilian life is fraught with challenges that often go unnoticed by civilians.

One-fifth of Illinois veterans have a diagnosed disability related to their military service. This includes the unseen scars of war, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury, and the lasting effects of military sexual trauma, which is experienced by one in four women in the military.

An estimated 3.5 million post-9/11 service members may have been exposed to toxic chemical substances during their military career. Millions more may have been exposed from conflicts and duty locations dating back to the Vietnam era.

Additionally, nearly 17 veterans die every day by suicide across the United States, and it is the second leading cause of death for veterans under 45, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) 2022 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report.

This stark reality underscores the urgent need for comprehensive services tailored to our current and former service members. Luckily, our culture and our care are changing.

As director for Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital, I have the privilege of meeting many of these brave individuals every day. Over my more than 20 years of caring for veterans, I’ve witnessed their struggles and their resilience.

Mental health treatments are no longer a taboo topic. In fact, mental health visits have skyrocketed over the past 23 years and veteran suicide rates have declined nationwide since 2019. Recent legislation, like the PACT (Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics) Act and COMPACT (Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment ) Act, have offered even greater lifesaving resources.  

While these changes can help millions, there is still more to do. Issues like PTSD, sexual trauma, homelessness and unemployment disproportionately affect our nation’s heroes.  

Hines VA opened in 1921 to care for veterans from the war to end all wars. However, war didn’t end on Nov. 11, 1917, and we have to keep assisting those in need.

Veterans Day is not merely a date on the calendar; it is a symbol of our national character. This year let’s reaffirm our commitment to the present and future wellbeing of these brave men and women — not just on Veterans Day, but every day.

Let Veterans Day be a reminder to all of us that supporting our nation’s current and former military service members is not merely an act of gratitude. It’s a duty, an obligation, and the embodiment of the values we hold as Americans.

It’s the least we can do for those who have sacrificed so much for us.

James Doelling is the hospital director of Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital.

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