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Now feds join chorus warning about 'aid' to Hamas terrorists


Joe Biden has sent more than $1 billion in American tax dollars to Palestinians and Gaza since he took office, resuming payments that President Donald Trump had halted because of the threat terrorists would end up with the cash.

This despite his own secretary of state, Antony Blinken, admitting there's no guarantee the money Biden sent – and still is planning to send – won't fund terror.

Now the inspector general for USAID, the government arm that handles many of those aid payments, is warning there's danger if America delivers more cash into channels the terrorists of Hamas can access.

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A report at Just the News documents that the IG of the United States Agency for International Development is warning Gaza is a high-risk area for "diversion and misuse" of American help.

"It is USAID OIG’s investigative priority to ensure that assistance does not fall into the hands of foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) including, but not limited to, Hamas," the Fraud Awareness warning that just was released reads.

It's a problem that develops in areas where terrorist organizations are active, such as Hamas' operations in Gaza, where it actually acts as a government.

"USAID OIG has identified deliberate interference and efforts to divert humanitarian assistance in regions where FTO activity is prevalent. This includes: systemic coercion of aid workers by FTOs; imposition of taxes, duties, and fees on USAID awardees and beneficiaries; and FTO influence over beneficiary selection and internally displaced persons camp management," explains the warning.

Trump had halted American payments to Gaza because of the probability that terrorists would end up with the money, Biden resumed them immediately on taking office, and has sent more than $300 million each of his first three years in office. He has planned to send hundreds of millions more, including $100 million he wants to send as "humanitarian aid" following Hamas' brutal and atrocity-filled war it launched against Israel Oct. 7, when the terrorists killed 1,400 innocent civilians.

The report explained the dangers of humanitarian help being diverted to fund terror are longstanding.

"The BBC reported that in June 2022, a court convicted Mohammed Halabi of diverting diverting up to $50 million of donations earmarked for 'humanitarian relief' to Hamas in Gaza. Halabi was the head of the Gaza office of World Vision, a global Christian humanitarian organization," the report said.

World Vision claims an investigation didn't find evidence that aid was diverted, but Halabi did provide a confession to Israeli security.

The report explains how aid is sent to Gaza through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, but reports have revealed Hamas used UNWRA schools as rocket depots and more.

Just the News confirmed the concerns expressed by USAID mirror similar warnings about American tax dollars being sent to the Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, which fell into terrorists' control when Biden abruptly pulled American military members out, leaving behind tens of billions of dollars worth of American war machinery as well as hundreds of Americans to be under the control of the Taliban.

It is the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction that confirmed U.S. funds sent there have been directly benefiting the Taliban.

The SIGAR also revealed the Taliban has set up its own "non-governmental organizations" to take the money. Taliban terrorists are, in fact, "creating their own NGOs to obtain aid money; diverting direct assistance such as medicine and food; interfering with program implementation by pressuring Afghan NGOs to purchase items from Taliban-owned companies or requiring Afghan NGOs to hire Taliban officials; and requiring Afghan NGOs to falsify reports on programming efforts," the report said.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: "Our country is going communist!" warned Donald Trump recently. "It's going Marxist, it's going REALLY bad." He added, "The PEOPLE of our country aren't that way – but the people RUNNING it are." Is this just election-season bluster and hyperbole, or can the utterly unthinkable be true?

Incredibly, it is true. In 2023 America, the Democratic Party – its agendas, its core values, its wall-to-wall dishonesty, and its audacious and utterly ruthless methods – are virtually indistinguishable from those of modern-day communists. Compare the Communist Party USA's website, CPUSA.org (where the featured top-of-page story is about "TRANS RIGHTS"), with the Democratic National Committee's website, Democrats.org, and try to discern any substantive difference.

America's plunge into atheistic Marxism in virtually every area of life – from weaponizing government and courts to destroy critics and political opponents, to crushing free speech, to corrupting and brainwashing the nation's children, and much much more – is all stunningly explored in the October issue of WND's critically acclaimed Whistleblower magazine, titled "AMERICA'S COMMUNIST REVOLUTION: How the freest nation in history is rapidly becoming a Marxist police state." Beyond exposing the Marxist takeover of America's key institutions, this explosive special report goes on to reveal how Marxism/communism is ACTUALLY A MAJOR WORLD RELIGION, albeit a false and malevolent one. It unearths what REALLY motivates the "high priests" of this truly dark atheistic faith, which has captivated untold millions and murdered millions more. And it vividly illustrates exactly how and why citizens of the greatest nation in history are now experiencing – to quote Barack Obama's words – "a fundamental transformation of the United States of America." This Whistleblower issue is a crucial wake-up call for all Americans. WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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