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We live in the UK’s most isolated town – we have two graveyards but NO shops and have to travel hours to see a doctor

LOCALS living in one of the UK’s most isolated towns with no shops and hours from a doctor say they LOVE it – and refuse to leave.

Happy homeowners in Easington, on the south Holderness coast are proud of the community despite “hopeless” bus services and next to no basic amenities.

Evening Gazette
Residents in the isolated village of Easington, on the south Holderness coast, say they wouldn’t rather live anywhere else[/caption]
Elizabeth Leigh was born in the area loves being a part of the community[/caption]

The closest shop is a 90 minute walk away, meanwhile the nearest secondary school would take a whopping two hours by foot – or just under an hour on public transport.

But, residents won’t move away, including Elizabeth Leigh who was born in Easington and never felt the desire to leave her hometown.

“Right now I’m waiting for the 12pm bus to go and get my weekly shop in, but I won’t get back here until about 2pm,” the 68-year-old told Metro.

If there are no convenient busses, Elizabeth would have to ask someone for a lift to get out and about.

“It’s very quiet in the village, I think it’s a bit boring but I haven’t really considered leaving,” she added.

And her dedication to the village appears to have trickled down to her children, and grandchildren – who all live two doors down.

But, the lack of schools in the area makes daily life inconvenient and “ridiculous” for the younger family.

“I feel sorry for the young ones here most of all, I see them walking around and they just seem bored,” Elizabeth said.

“We have two pubs and two graveyards, so if you want to drink yourself to death here you’re sorted. I love living here.”

Meanwhile fellow local Carol Newsam, has stayed in the village with her husband for 40 years.

The 77-year-old said: “There’s not a lot for people to do here.

“It used to be a really nice village, but we don’t even have a shop now, we have to go to Withernsea and Patrington for our shopping.

“That’s the only thing we miss, we’ve still got two pubs but there used to be three here, there’s a house next to some bungalows which used to be the Sun Inn.”

However, the veteran resident did say she felt sorry the young ones.

And, Linda Callan who relocated to the area nearly two decades ago, said she loves living in the isolated area.

We have two pubs and two graveyards, so if you want to drink yourself to death here you’re sorted. I love living here.”

Elizabeth LeighResident

But, the 68-year-old did admit: “The buses are hopeless, to get to Hull you have to go to Patrington first.

“There’s no shop here, a mobile Post Office comes to the village hall for half a day on Thursdays.”

She also explained the old village shop used to be a popular hub for the community but sadly closed down eight years ago.

“I love living here, we get peace and quiet and we have the beach just at the end of our road,” the devoted resident added.

But, the main drawback that concerns Linda as she gets older is the distance from a hospital.

“You wouldn’t want to have a heart attack or a stroke,” she explained.

This comes as other people living in sleepy towns and villages love their isolated life.

Locals in Mersea IslandEssex, say they wouldn’t rather be anywhere else.

There is only one way to arrive by taking the Strood – a road that floods at high tide leaving residents isolated from the outside world.

But one resident said: “We love it. Because for that time, we’re completely cut off.

“It’s a real community.

“Everyone looks out for one another. No one needs to be on their own.”

However, those in Blaenau Gwent, Wales, offered a different perspective to living in a remote town.

Locals fear they’re going to become even less connected, with the future of their much-needed public transport up in the air.

Evening Gazette
Families have lived in the area for generations and won’t leave[/caption]
Evening Gazette
The rather sparse looking Easington Village Hall notice board[/caption]

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