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Horror moment ‘Boeing 737 passenger jet flies past Iron Dome blasts as it comes into land in Israel during rocket blitz’

A BOEING 737 passenger jet seems to fly into Israel at the exact moment the powerful Iron Dome air defence system blasts terror rockets out of the sky.

The clips show four bright explosions, believed to be Israel defensive missiles coming from the Iron Dome, near the plane as it lands at Tel Aviv airport.

The plane can be seen dangerously close to a bright explosion in the sky above it, thought to have been caused by Israel’s Iron Dome defence system
Four rockets can be seen soaring into the sky in the footage, before two explode
The plane appears to land in Tel Aviv just as they are soaring through the atmosphere

Four rockets can be seen shooting into the sky, presumably aiming for Hamas terror rockets.

Two of the rockets suddenly explode as the Boeing 737 passes underneath.

The chilling sound of warning sirens can be heard in the background as the missiles soar through the air.

The flight, believed to be an El Al LY5108 plane from Tbilisi, Georgia, to Tel Aviv, arrived 15 minutes late, according to flight radar data.

The Sun has reached out to the airport and El Al for comment.

Tel Aviv had been hit by a brutal night of heavy aerial strikes on October 5, in the hours leading up to the video.

According to reports, more than 7,000 rockets have been launched towards Israel since the October 7 massacre kicked off the brutal war.

To combat the horror attacks, Israel designed their own rocket defence back in 2011, that has helped to stop several Hamas attacks.

The Iron Dome is the first missile interceptor of its kind in the world, and is said to have a 90 per cent success rate at bringing down threats.

Developed by Rafael Advanced Defence Systems, it can be operated in all weather conditions including fog, dust storm, low clouds and rain.

The dome is made up of missile batteries which are shaped like giant match boxes and are tilted in the direction of Gaza.

The special monitor detects a target using radar technology and tracks its trajectory before sending off a rocket hit the threat and explode in the air.

Once the rockets collide they’ll explode in the air and neutralise any threat to the public.

Brits were given a chilling warning this week to not travel to Lebanon amid growing tensions in the region as the war between Hamas and Israel worsens.

The Foreign Office has also evacuated its staff from its embassy in Lebanon as the “risk of civil unrest” ramps up.

Back in October, British Airways suspended all flights to and from Israel after one of its planes was forced to turn back.

The top airline said the decision was made due to safety concerns after Hamas rockets appeared to be targeting Tel Aviv airport.

In a statement British Airways said: “Safety is always our highest priority and following the latest assessment of the situation we’re suspending our flights to and from Tel Aviv.

“We’re contacting customers booked to travel to or from Tel Aviv to apologise for the inconvenience… We continue to monitor the situation in the region closely.”

Virgin Atlantic also cancelled their flights for three days after the worrying events.

In the past 36 hours, 450 Hamas targets in Gaza were struck by Israeli fighter jets as Israel continues its bombardment of enclave in retaliation for the massacre.

Israel said its troops had also seized a militant compound and blasted hit “tunnels, terrorists, military compounds, observation posts, and anti-tank missile launch posts”

Israeli army spokesman Jonathan Conricus said: “We will take the fight to Hamas wherever they are – underground, above ground.

“We will be able to dismantle Hamas, stronghold after stronghold, battalion after battalion, until we achieve the ultimate goal, which is to rid the Gaza Strip – the entire Gaza Strip – of Hamas”

But it is feared Hamas terrorists are attempting to draw Israeli troops into prepared so-called “kill-zones”.

Two of the four rockets believed to have been shot by the Iron Dome system explode above the plane

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